Day 25: Dear someone who is going through the worst times

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Oh gosh.. well I want to dedicate this to someone but he already knows I'll be there for him, I think I've prove that to him. So I think I'm just going to write this to anyone who is going through the worst time of their lives. 

First things first; It get's better. 

I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life. I didn't think it would get better. I always hoped and prayed and it did. I didn't give up hope even when it took several years for things to get better but it really does get better and I want you to remember that. 

Second thing; the worst times are always the greatest lessons

Lessons are strange. They come in different shapes and forms but I can tell you that the hard times are going to teach you something. They will teach you how strong you are and how you can get through anything and how they can build you for the future. 

Third thing; Remember I'm always here

lol yes you probably don't know me and I may not have met you but I will always be there for you. I may be a stranger but that doesn't mean I don't care. I will sit there and listen to you for hours and hours until you feel like you can breathe again. i know what it's like to be in that position where I had NO ONE there for me. It made me feel unloved and made me want to dig myself a dirt whole and never come out of it because I felt worthless but I tell you right now that you are not unloved and you are not worthless. I'm not just going to sit there and just try to make you feel better. I'm going to be an open book and share you my experiences and how I got through them to show you that you can to. I'm going to be honest with you on how I see what  your going through and that will only go well with an open mind. Just message me if you need me <3

Fourth thing; people go through shit all the time

Everyone is going through something but that doesn't mean you should be too. Think of the positive outcomes that will come out of what your going through. It isn't much to go on but you will see a little positivity can go a long way. 

fifth thing; remember there are others out there dealing with much worse

If you do that then you will see how this is just a road bump into your future. A test to see how strong you are. Don't let that intimidate you. 

sixth and final thing; seek help if you need it 

Do no be afraid to go to someone for help. You need to release all that you are feeling out to be sane and healthy. Holding all that in is not good for you. If you are at the border line of insanity or if you are about to do something that you will regret or possibly hurt others, seek help. I don't like seeing people just struggling but don't go for help. It does not make you weak if you seek help. It makes you just as strong if not stronger. Everyone needs help once in a while, so don't be ashamed (: 

You may be going through some tough times but as a friend, which I would hope that we are now, you will always stay amazing and you can get through anything. Have a little faith <3

Brittanee <3

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