Day 8: Dear fav internet friend

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How can I not write about you cyber bestie?! huh?! huh?! Well your sick :/ THAT SUCKS POTATO SKINS. lol  As you can tell I have weird expressions for you o.0 lol but anywho I hope you get betterrrrrrrrr!!! And I thought about how to make you feel better! *brings soup to your bedside* drink and eat it up! oh *runs back to kitchen and comes back with oreos* hopefully that makes you smile ^^ hehe Well I have known you for a bit of time now and omg you have been on and off wattpad for like the past two weeks :/ wehh... I miss all the adventuresome conversations :P lol Your life seems so awesome that I just love hearding about it xD Lol my life is so boring that I .... well sound boring xD lol Well how are the four hubbies doing? xD lol I can't believe you tried getting me a smuggled husband before, just saying these boys are poor husbands, they barely talk to me either xDD hahah I'm going to throw a big fit when they do talk to me -___-" lol jk.... or am I o.0 hehe Have you ever tasted cheddar jack chezeits? xD WELL THERE AWESOME! lol I love the taste.. it's almost like a smokey flavor.... lol xD Sooooooo I keep adding to my wattpad family, ps. your on my bio :'3 hehe Ummmm, so yeah your crazy and cool and well your my cyber bestie, whats there not to love?! But I feel like your boyfriend is taking you away from me :((( lol I KILL JUSTIN. lmao xD WATCH YOUR BACK JUSTIN o.o I'm going to creep on you.... lol THAT SOUNDS WEIRD xD lol 

Soooo... yeah the rest of them.. I have no clue what they are doing... ummmm Comrad.. uhhh HE NEEDS TO COOK ME CREPES... I WANT CREPES... 

uhhhhh Drew... jake... and mikey.... JUST HMPH. >.>

lol xD I'm a weirdo (: ummm soooooooo likeeeeeeeee I have a bunch of math homework to do and I don't wanna do it but I have to because if I don't I won't graduate in forever and if I don't graduate in forever then I'm never going to have someone love me because they will think i'm dumb but I'm not really dumb because I just can't do math and math sucks >.< lol like my sentence? (:

Ummm I'm home alone o.o lol I haven't been home alone in ages pumpkin in ages xD haha I wish i was in cali with you! I could be your little short pumpkin friend :3 lol No seriously.. I'm that short xD lol And I'm round like a pumpkin.... o.o lmao ummm sooooooo I've been lonely lately :3 go figure... when am I not loney huh? lol So yeah mikey is supposed to be my flirt buddy but hes doing a poor job of it ;3 I'm working on a replacement since he is never around ;( lol If his feelings are hurt you can tell him that he needs to a better job then and then I won't have to replace him :P 

CHICKEN NOODLE CHICKEN NOODLE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP WITH A OREO ON THE SIDE XD hahaha idk... it just came up to me... my brain is magical isn't it? (O____O) hehe 

What shall I say about you besides the fact that you love oreos, have awesome friends, love your boyfriend, have a cute face and voice, the fact that you are younger than me, the fact that your awesome, the fact that you love to do extreme things and skip class, the awesome things your brain comes up with.... like inventions with oranges, the fact that you got a twitter after I said for you if you had one, the fact that you now have a facebook again, the fact that you are a awesome friend even tho you don't talk to me anymore every day like you use to, the awesomeness of awesome that is in stowed in you is overwelming.... i can say that...... PANCAKES lmao idk o.o excuse my randomness xD (:

But yeah I hope you feel better, doing awesome in all that you do with all that you have, that you eat that soup and oreo that I gave you o.o and that you will talk to me a whole bunch of hoohah when you can :DD

Love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu, 

Brittaneeeeeeeeee <3

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