Day 20: Dear someone that broke your heart

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Well, I can tell you that I'm better off without you, if you broke my heart. I don't want to dwell on how you broke my heart or anything like that because it's not worth it. I'm going to find someone who loves me for me. You can go fuck yourself for telling me that I was too emotional or I was messed up because I know damn well what I am and you couldn't handle me for certain reasons. My heart mended it by itself like the many other times it has by myself. No one seems to be able to fix my heart better than me apperently. I wish you the best of luck with your girl friend and thanks for the good and bad times but it's time to find someone who won't break my heart.. someone who will love me for me.. someone who won't put me down and hurt me the way you have. Someone who won't give up on me.. I don't have anything against you and I've learned a lot from you on guys in general.. so yeah.. that's all I have to say.

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