Day 15: Dear someone I miss the most

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Dear Daddy, 

     I could have picked anyone in the world but no one compares to how much I miss you. It's been almost 4 years now that I haven't seen you and I miss you like crazy. Heck maybe I just miss you more than how I miss you when you were actually here... to think I didn't even cry when you left but then cried months after.. Of course I was sad but how can you miss someone who wasn't there in the first place? I guess the fact of the matter is that you weren't here yet you were and I miss the little things... But I miss you because your so far away and I wish you were here. I'm scared of you yet I love you none-the-less... it's because your my father. Your the one to produce me so I can't hate you at all. Well some people can but I can't. It's like no matter what you do, I always end up seeing light in your dark tunneled path. Is that wrong? You won't be here when I turn 18 or maybe not til 21.. your probably will see me.. idk and think "damn she's grown".. well yeah that's what happens when you grow up and get older. You always ask me if I'm working now and what's happened in my life.. well there isn't that much to tell.. I wish I was living on my own and have a job to make you proud but I don't ... haha then again I'm only 17 :P I don't even think you will be here when I get engaged or be at my wedding for that matter.. you probably won't be here on my big day events and that really sucks >.< I guess it sucks because my dreams for myself seem to shatter in the moments of my life. I mean, ever think that you ruined a lot of my chances for a bright future or how I will turn out? What if I had turned into this psycho girl that turned out like mommy or my real mom? o.o You wouldn't love me would you? You know... a lot of the time I just wanted you to stick up for me before.. you couldn't even do that.. :/ Why did you do that? Well, the only really thing I learned from you is to protect myself at all times.. lol I still remember how you made me go down to check if someone broke in WITHOUT  weapon -_____-" I could have died!!  Yet you were the one with the gun and looking upstairs while I went to the garage.. I guess face your fears right? sigh... Well I guess I got to learn something when you weren't there for me.. I learned to take care of others all the time.. I guess old habits die hard right? But yeah.. I miss you.. I can recall all the moments that I have missed you... but I won't say them.. they will forever be in a jar of heart retching emotions. But one more thing before I end this little letter is that.....

I miss you.

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