Day 28: Dear someone who changed my life

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Does God count as someone? if not, who cares. But anyway, I thank you God for giving me the strength and all the misfortunes in my life? With out them I don't think I can sit here and say that you changed my life. You threw everything my way to get me stronger. Though I disagree with you a lot of the times. But what daughter doesn't have other opinions than her father right? I know I can be stubborn and I don't follow the "rules" sometimes but I try my hardest to being nice and even harder to be a good human being. I'm not perfect and I'm glad that you don't want me to be perfect. I didn't think I was going to get through so much but prayer by prayer you were there with me even if you weren't really there. You always give me signs and you lift me up when no one else can. i can honestly say your always changing my life and that's a good thing. I may be hurt from time to time but that's okay. I'd rather feel than feel nothing at all. 

I love you. Forever and ever.

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