Day 16: Dear someone that's not in my country

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iuhygtyuiopoplkjhghudioa; HOW DO YOU CHOOSE?! 

Lol jk but seriously there is a lot of people that is like not in my country xD But I shall choose this person because this person is awesome! 

Well it all started on a little thread.. I opened this guy's thread out of whim because I was going through the cafe and well when I opened it up I saw this girl talking to this one guy lol She was giving him a hard time but in like a teasing kind of way and I thought she was HILARIOUS so I couldn't miss out on the opportunity to ask her to be my new best friend because you know she was so funny and stuff! And guess what?! She said yessss!! :DD She even gave me a macaroni necklace to match hers and I never take it off o.o lol But yes we talked on there and then we became the powerpuff girls along with Tyler xD LOL We are soooooo coool and you will forever be buttercup to me because I still haven't learned your real name (i don't think o.o) but yesh you are awesome and cool and IRISH!! <3 

Yes and it's funny cuz I may be Irish as well o.o lmao But yes your crazy and funny and you blurb out the most ridiculous things and things that should be kept secret yet you let out but I still love ya even though you do that o.o lmao But yes this was my little letter to you.. uhhhh I've only known you for like maybe 2 weeks now but your pure awesomeness! Thank you for being my best friend and fellow powerpuff girl <3 hehe 

*up up and away* xD

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