Day 4: Dear Siblings

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Dear Siblings, 

      To my broski, you keep your head up okay? I know it's been forever since I've seen you and I know you may be dealing with how to be tough but just know its okay to cry once in a while. Do not let people bully you. You may not be the tallest kid for your age or may act gay once in awhile or something (according to mom) but do not let anything affect you! And don't let your mom affect you either. I don't want you to cry over her words, do you hear me? I have cried and hurt over her and I don't want you to feel the same way! I will always  look out for you... but yet those words probably mean nothing since.. well I'm not near you and I have no idea where you are... but I just want to tell you that I will be here.. one day we will see each other again.. I just hope that one day.. well you don't hate me.. that you love me enough to forgive me.. I don't want you to see me as a bad sister either.. I tried the best I could to be their.. I always was their when you cried or just needed your sister. But I really hope that doesn't change in the future how you see me. I hope your mom doesn't poison you with views of bad pictures of me. I really hope you remember me as I was and not how she tells you to be. Please just know that not everything everyone tells you will be the truth. I hope she hasn't brain washed you O.O She can be quite convincing when she wants to. But then her lies catch up with what she dishes. I don't want to feel bad yet I do for her being your mom... I just hope you turn out to be the best guy that you can be when you grow up. Do not become like dad or mom or anyone but yourself and a gentlemen at that. Your a good looking chap so I expect only the best from you. I love you and I hope your taking care of yourself <3 

          To my loving sister, you can be a spoiled brat at times, you know that? yet you have such a sweet heart. <3 You are just like me when it comes to taking care of the ones you love. You are their shoulder to cry on and I'm so thankful to God to bless you with that quality.. I have to admit.. I was quite jealous of you.. yeah a older sis actually jealous of her younger one.. but it's true, I was. I was jealous because, well you seemed to get everything from love and attention to anything you want. You were so independent for a little munchkin... lol I wish I was you.. you were so much prettier than me too.. well in my eyes you were.. idk.. I was just jealous.. But don't worry I'm not anymore.. cuz I see that we all are different in each of our ways and some people just have it better than others.. man do I miss you though... the last time I saw you... well it was when you were in the car and after not seeing me like for a couple weeks your face was soo bright... it was so welcoming and loving and omg.. that just made me want to cry... >.< You are the princess that you say yourself to be... I just wished that I didn't make so many promises to you.. you will probably hate me for making them.. like the ones where I said we would live together once I get my own place and how I would take care of you... Wow.. now that I realize it.. maybe you said that because you felt as trapped at I was O.O Wow.. revelation :/ I'm so sorry for realizing it so late.. :/ I was so messed up then and I couldn't think straight and oh poor baby.. I wish I was taking care of you, i really wish I do... I feel like I was like a mother to you and Dj.. but I mean that's what sisters are.. like a second mother when the mother can't take care of you... But I'm sure your mom will take care of you and Dj.. she does love her kids.. she just didn't love me. Well I hope she loves her kids enough to be a good mother.. I hope your heart is rest easily and I hope you all the best in the future and you know that. I wish I could give you munchkins hugs right now :'( I kinda need one... 

Love your big sister forever and always, 


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