Day 5: Dear Dreams

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Dear Dreams,

      What can I say? I have been a dreamer since I have been just a ittie bittie girl. I remember the first thing that I thought I would be, a singer. Oh boy did that fail out right? I can't sing... >.> But I tried to at least.. I still don't get what the choir teacher saw in me xD My voice is so soft and so high and I crack a lot... bleh and then there was my dream about becoming a dancer... I still love dancing :D hehe I mean who doesn't love dancing? I think I looked slightly better when I was thinner but who cares? I still like to shake my tail feather in my room for no apparent reason!! Woot woot! xD I was such a happy child because of dancing lol Then there were times where I pretended to be a teacher, mom, chef, and all times fun times (: 

     Then there was the dream to become a writer...funny how that kind of stuck til now right? I got started with just a compliments and was a determined little thing to keep writing but I didn't really persure it, more like practiced it. As I grew up, I gave up and then I grew up some more... and now I can't live without writing or I have the mind to write now is more like it. I think that one day I might be able to write for the whole world to read. And I truly won't stop writing like I did before. 

     Then I dreamed a dream to be a wedding photographer. lol is that such a unrealistic dream to dream? I didn't really want to become it at first. Actually, I was kind of against it but after reading the bride quartet series I couldn't help but think that's what I could do and now I want to make a company kinda like they have. Someone who can do it all in one roof. I dreamed of it because it just came to me and they always say you should always hold on to such opportunities. 

       But now that leads me down to a certain road I have come across... the road of being a wedding photographer and a writer. I say that I could have both but can I really? :3 I think I'm leaning more towards becoming a writer because I just love it soooo much but then there is the fact that photography can challenge me in a different way. Weddings are something I love to see even though I have been to like two weddings in my life. There is so much conflict in wanted two different dreams. I want them both but yet I don't know if I can. I am really stuck on what I should do. 

      I guess where I'm going at dreams... is that ima dreamer but is that all I will ever be? Or will I make my mind up for good? I thought I had made my mind up but I'm not sure if I have :(


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