Chapter 8

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Lizzie's POV
'Hey guys what up its Ldshadowlady!' Good introduction Maddie? 'Ya!' She said. I am very sleepy! So I feel asleep. I see Joel, he looks at me then I see him get shot in the head by Izzy, I try to kick and punch but I wake up screaming with tears down my face. My dad comes bounding in. 'Lizzie what happened?!?' 'Just a dream dad' *come over and gives me a hug* 'love you dad' 'night'. So I wake up when it is morning and Maddie is gone. I go down stairs and see my dad and Maddie dead, I see Izzy and Joel. 'Ahh' *cry* ' Lizzie come here' 'dad I am fine!' 'No your not sweetie'

Joel POV
I have been very bored lately. So I call Izzy. She said 'hey Joel we are over!!' *She hangs up* ugh what ever! I go on Xbox and see Lizzie's profile picture and she is so beautiful, she's perfect! I must have her!!

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