Chapter 27

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     "Joel.." I say shaking

    "Is it positive?" he says

   "Yes" I say as I am tearing up

   Joel looks at me, there is silence until I speak up.

   "I will leave, you don't want a baby." I say

   "You're right." he says and walks away from me.

   I get my stuff and pack my car, I am so mad. I tried to talk to Joel before I left but slammed the door in my face. Like Joel you made me pregnant! This is your fault!

   I went back to the person I mostly trusted, Yammy. I knocked on her door and she opened it and smiled at me. "Lizzie!" she said happily, I ran into her arms and I started to cry. "What happened Liz?" she said while she hugged me back. "I am pregnant and Joel kicked me out!" I cried.

   "Have you told your dad? or Maddie?" Yammy said while she sat me down. "I am going to tell Maddie and I don't even know about my dad." I sighed. "Honestly Liz I think you should phone him now, like you and Joel were pretty much engaged! He is going to suspect something." she said. "Your right." I unblocked him, I wasn't mad at him anymore, I just hope he is okay with this. I miss my dad.

   I decided to to text him and then phone him after.
L- Lizzie, D- Dad

L- Hi dad, I have something to tell you.
D- Go ahead.
L- I'm pregnant, Joel kicked me out because of it.
D- What?!
L- I'm sorry.
D- I can't believe him!

I smiled at the text, he wasn't mad at me. 

L- I know, so I am staying with Yammy.
D- Come see me and Maddie tomorrow, you can tell her in person.
L- Thanks Dad.
D- I am here for you sweetheart, I am sorry for what I did to you. I love you very much.
L- I forgive you dad, I love you very much too.

   I am glad that my dad is okay with this, he is finally my dad again.

   I watched some movies with Yammy and I actually laughed a few times, I miss Joel but he's a jerk so I will never speak to him again. The thing is we were kinda engaged, I might talk to him again.

   I wake up to my phone ringing and I don't check who it is I just say hello.
L- Hello?
?- Liz?
L- who is this?
?- Please come home, I love you and I was wrong, I don't care if we have a baby.

It was Joel.

L- Joel!! Never speak to me again!!! I hate you!
J- I love you.
L- I will never love you again!

I hang up.

Would I ever love him again? He kicked me out because I was pregnant. I don't want to live him but my dad still drinks and Yammy won't let me stay forever, He has a place and when I give birth to my child the baby will want to met the father. I don't know what to do anymore. 

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