Chapter 17

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    I step out and at least 3000-5000 people are there. "Hi every-yone..! S-so as you can probably tell I am-m very nerv-vous..." *vomits*. I just threw up all over the stage... oh my god....

    I run off the stage and everyone is staring at me, I feel so embarrassed! How could I do that!!! I find I quiet room and I sit down. I see Joel, he comes in and he sits down next to me, "Hey, so someone told me about the plan you were going to do and I that would have been awesome but I already know you love me. When I was dying in the hospital you came and visited me all the time and held my hand and supported me, thank you Liz." he kisses me on the cheek.

    I blushed and looked over at him and smiled, "I love you Joel." he smiles "I love you too Liz.".  He gave me a hug, and another kiss on the cheek.

    "Are you going back on?" Joel says, "I don't know if I even can, did you see all the people out there?" Joel grabs my hand and says "Lizzy I know you can.". I smile and kiss him on cheek, I get up but Joel is still holding my hand, "Is that all I am going to get? A kiss on the cheek?" I blush again and give a kiss on his lips.

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