Chapter 28

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   I text Joel because I have made a decision.
L-Lizzie J-Joel
L- I'm coming to live with you but you don't talk to me or touch me, if you do I leave.
J- Are you serious?! I can't talk to my love?
L- Yes, you are aloud to do what you want just don't talk to me or touch me.
J- Fine.

   I drive to Joel's, I am nervous but he has a pretty big house so I will sleep in the guest bedroom.

   I walk into my house and Joel's nowhere to be seen, I guess we are still engaged, I can't break it off until the baby is older.

   "Joel!" I scream to see if he answers. I hear things upstairs, I open the door to his room. I see a girl and he's on top of her and making out, great. He sees me and says "Lizzie!" I walk out of the room.

   I start to tear up, I still love him.. no! yes.. ugh I don't know...

   The girl leaves and Joel and I don't say a word to each other. I look up at him and he looks at me, I walk up to him slowly and brush past him, he grabs my hand and kisses me. I push him off, "Joel!! What did I tell you?!", Joel says nothing. He walks into his room and I hear him taking on the phone.

   I was watching TV until I heard the doorbell, I get up to get it and then I hear Joel scream "Don't let them in yet!!". I walk away from the door and sit back down.

   Joel comes down stairs and he's all dressed up, "Where are you going?" I ask, "Out.". He opens the door to a beautiful girl and he kisses her, she grabs his hand and they both leave me alone in the house. "Oh so he's going on a date" I say to myself. Whatever.

   8 months later

   I am still at Joel's house, I am going into labor soon. Joel's dating someone but U don't bother to ask. Honestly I think I like someone, not really.

hello people, merry christmas! hope you guys are doing well! bye-bye.


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