Chapter 22

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"Am I staying over?" I say, he pauses. "Yes, I want you to stay tonight"

I hear my phone buzzing and it's my dad. "Hello?" I say "Where are you?" "I am just at Joel's house.", my dad sighs. "You said you wouldn't go back to him!". Wow I didn't expect him to be so pissed about it. "Got to go bye." I say, "wai-" I hang up.

"Who was that?" Joel asks, "Oh my dad." "What did he say?" "Asking where I was and he is pissed off about something.". Joel seeing that I look sad so he hugs me around my waist.

I hear my phone ring again, it's Maddie! "Hi Maddie." "Hi Liz, dad is wanting you to come home." "No, he is pissed off for some reason..." "He wants you though" "Maddie, I don't want to come home.". I hear my dad in the background saying "Elizabeth get home now!". "Maddie I am going to go. Love you." "Love you too, bye."

Why does my dad want me so bad?

"What's wrong?" Joel says, "My dad is being weird..." "Are you okay?" I look up at him and see that he looks sad. "I guess."

I fall asleep, until my phone rings again, it's dad. "What?" I say "Get home now!!" "No." "Elizabeth if you don't get home now I will come and get you!" "Fine!!" I hang up before he can say anything else.

I pack my stuff and leave a not for Joel saying 'Good morning love, my dad made me go home. Text me when you get up, love you so much.'

I open the door slowly and quietly, I walk down the stairs and I was going to open the door until I two arms around my waist, I look. whims me to Joel. "Where are you going Liz?" "My dad is making me go home, I'm sorry."

He kisses me goodbye and I say I loved him and he said he loved me too.

I was about to leave until I realized I didn't bring my car to Yammys. I phone Maddie and tell her to come get me even though it's 2:30am.

I see her pull up and I get into her car.

"What the hell is wrong with dad?" I say "He's drunk.." she says sadly. "Oh"

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