Chapter 23

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I walk into my house and see my dad, he grabs me and hugs me. "I thought I lost you forever! Your mine!!" He says. "Dad.." He kisses me on the cheek and doesn't let go of me.

"Dad let go of me, you are freaking me out.." "Why Liz, I'm your father! Your mine!!"

Maddie got him off me and she toke me upstairs. "Maddie what the hell is wrong with him?!" "I don't know he was acting creepy..."

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, it's Joel. He said
J- Hey Liz, are you doing okay?
L- My dad is being creepy, when I walked into the house he hugged me and kissed me and said 'your mine!!!'
J- You want me to pick you up?
L- Idk if my dad will let me leave..
J- Sneak out, I will be waiting for you around the corner.
L- Okay, see you later.
J- Check you later alligator ;)!
L- Omg your so cheesy.. lol

Finally my dad has fallen asleep!

I walk by his room, I check to see if the door is closed.

His door is closed, I walk by it and I hear him crying. I put my ear on the door and he is mumbling stuff I can't understand. My heart hurts when I hear him cry but I need to get out of here.

I text Maddie that I am leaving and she says okay.

I walk around the corner and I see Joel's car, I smile. I run into his car and I sit down.

He hugs me. "I am so glad you are safe!" I smile at his words. "Thank you"

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