chapter 18

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    He smiles at me, "love you" "love you too". He gives me a hug and let's me go.

    2 days later.

    So me and Joel are driving back home, I decided that I wouldn't go on stage after the traumatic experience last time. I watched though, maybe next time. "Hey Liz I want to talk to you about something.." "Okay anything." "I think we need a break...", I stand there in shock. "why? what did I do?!" "you did nothing but I think that I just want to try other girls.." "a break! not a break up?!" "yes maybe a break up..".

    I drop him off at his parents house, I think his parents were expecting happy faces but they were wrong, I don't think they were expecting me crying. "Oh Joel by the way, never speak to me again!". I drive away. I get home and my dad was there and saw I was crying, "Hey are you okay? I thought you would have had fun." "I did! but Joel broke up with me..." I say in a crying voice. "why?!" "he wanted other girls..." "what a jerk!".

    I get up in my bed and cry of countless of hours, my dad sometimes came up and tried to cheer me up but it didn't work. Everything was working out perfectly but then he had to brake up with me.

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