chapter 15

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I packed my stuff and was so excited to go in about a week. My plan for the weekend when we were there is this, I will drive Joel over there which is about a 5 hour drive, when we get there I will take him around some booths and look around, I got a hotel booked already so then we will sleep there, the second day should be fun because that is when I go on stage and I will take Joel on with me and tell him how much I love him.

So finally I toke out my camera and stared saying how excited I was to meet you guys, I also talked about Joel a little because he hasn't posted a video in a while and people were wondering why. It was really hard to talk about Joel because I don't think I was quite ready to see the comments blow up about him. Only a few of my close friends knew what was going on with Joel and I know I can trust them about it, they have been so supportive.

I said in my video that I would vlog as much as I could on the weekend when we got there. When I posted the video everyone was saying "we miss you!", "so excited to meet you!!!", "I will pray for you and Joel.". Some people said stuff like "you are such a baby, get yourself together.", "here's a tip, brake up with Joel so you don't have to be depressed. Jeez some people are so stupid.". Some comments made me feel better about the situation with Joel, some made me feel like I had a different feels about Joel like "should I just leave him?".

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