Chapter 33

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"I'm so sorry" I half sob. "Seriously? Why can't you just except that you are mine! Not anyone else! Give me your phone!" He yells. I pass my phone, "I am blocking him, he should not be saying this stuff to you" Joel says as he reads through the texts and blocks Kyle.

"I need a walk or something, I don't know why you are so harsh to me lately." I say and glare at him, "he's having a tough time, he's one of my best friends, and why would I cheat on you when I have a child with you?" I ask and expect a answer. He walks out of the rim and walks up the stair case and slams the door.

I grab my coat, Ana, car keys, and my phone. As I open the door I get pulled into someone's lips, I pull back to see who it is and it's Kyle. He pulls me into another kiss and I start to kiss back, I realize what I am doing and let go. "Why did you block me babe?" he asks innocently.

hia, i am so bad at uploading. i apologize. i get my braces off on the 17th and i have had them on since june 27th 2014, i am so excited! i will be uploading more hopefully. bye.

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