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Maya's POV

The film was incredible, I loved every single second, we only missed the first couple of minutes. I can't  believe I'm saying this but thank you adverts! And I'm so grateful that Josh told me everything. Oh my god and when I started crying omg. So pathetic Maya, seriously. And when he kissed me I lost my shit I. My mind like, what even.

We're walking home with our hands intertwined, while going through the park again, and the times like 8:20pm? And I remember about the end of the story. "Josh?"
I ask
"Hmm?" He replies
"So what did happen between you and the Matthews?"
He sighs and takes a seat on a swing at the now abandoned park and gestures me to sit on the one next to him. And I do. "So, after Melanie dumped me, remember, I was heartbroken, lost, I thought I was unlovable and worthless and I got in a really depressed state. And I-.." He looked down at his lap and I put my hand over his, reassuring him that he could tell me and that it'll be alright "I used to self harm. Only for a little bit. I used to be completely against it, but I felt like there was no other way for me to feel happy again. I thought the only way was to end it all. And ok, I know what you're going to say. 'Oh you're so stupid for cutting over a stupid girl' but-"
"Josh, I wasn't going to say that. I would ever say that. I could never say that."
"But, after she broke up with me, I made my contacts with everyone less and less. Because I knew they didn't care. They only wanted know so they could gossip. I felt more alone than ever and so one day I just ignored everyone and didn't talk to anyone. The only people that I actually trusted and believed that still cared was Alex, Jake and Logan."
"But what about Riley? And Cory?"
"I know that Cory would never forgive me for something like this. And he wouldn't listen to my side of the story. He wouldn't believe me. And I thought at the time that Riley was too young to understand any of this."
"We're three years younger Josh not 30 years younger." I laugh
"Yeah but still, I didn't think she cared."
"Are you serious? Of course she cared! And it may not even still seem like it, but she still does!! She's Riley. And more importantly, she's family."
"I lost trust in anyone I ever loved and cared for. You wouldn't understand." He spoke as he shook his head, "wait, when I told you about my self harm and how I thought you were gonna call me stuoid, why did you say you could never? Why can't you..? Ever? "

Oh my god what. Why would you say that Maya?! Oh my god! He can't know. He'll hurt me, just like Brandon did I can't trust him too quickl- Josh this time puts his hand over mine and gave me a small smile, reminding me that it'll be alright. I took a deep breath. "My dad left us when I was young and now it's just me and mom. Well, whenever she's bothered to come home."
"Maya, I'm sure that's not the case. If your mum could make it home every night to be with you, she would."
"That's not everything, Josh." I take another deep breath and roll up my sleeve.

Josh's POV

There shows all of her scars, some you could tell were recent and some weren't. I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know what to say. I knew Maya didn't have the easiest life, but I didn't know it was this bad for her. I looked up at her as she blinked quickly, trying to hold back tears but it didn't work. A few tears fell from her face, and then a few turned into a lot. I got up from the swing and held her hand and stood her up right. I rolled down her sleeves and I hugged her, I hugged her as tight as I could as she continued to sob into my chest. This girl who was 3 years younger, was broken. And no one, not even me knew. And here I am, realising what an asshole I'm being playing with her heart like this. I don't like her in that way. I mean she's a cool girl, I guess. And I done even know about the kisses. I don't know what I was thinking but I don't love her. She continued to cry and cry and the sob quieted down and she eventually stopped. I couldn't help but shed a few tears too. I thought I was alone in the world, I thought I was the only one who felt this way, who thought that the only reason for things to get better was for it to all end but I was wrong, other people felt like this too. Memories came flooding back to how depressed I was and how much of a shitty place I was in. All these thoughts and voices, going through my brain every hour of every day. She went through it too and she's a lot younger and she went through worse. I can't even imagine how horrible it was. We went and sat down on the bench. We didn't talk. We didn't kiss. We just sat there. But it was still perfect. We looked at the stars, admiring gods beauty. I felt Maya shivering and so I took off my jacket and put it around her and got back into our comfortable little snuggle.

Maya's POV

We carried on star gazing for what felt like hours when really it was just barely over an hour since we came to the park. It felt so good to tell Josh everything and I'm so glad that he told me. We start to get up and we start walking as Josh puts his arm back around me. I felt to safe and secure whenever I had his touch. "Maya," he said, breaking the silence among us, "I never did ask you this, but who was that dude we saw earlier with that stuck-up looking brunette?" Brandon. I had completely forgot about him. But I know that I'm no where near ready to stay talking about him right now. "Can't we talk about that later? It's just, I'm not ready and-"
"It's ok if you're not ready to talk"
"Basically he's just a recent ex of mine who broke my heart"
"We all have one if those" he laughs
"True that, my friend." And we both laugh, "Josh, why don't you try and explain to the Matthews what happened that night?"
"They wouldn't understand"
"I'm sure they would. Please? If you do, then I'll look at more family problems from my moms side because it's harder."
"I don't know, Maya"
"Please! I'll be there, it'll be alright." I say as I intertwine my fingers with his. It was one of those hand holding things where it's and arm around someone and holding hands combo deal.
"Ok." He says after thinking it though in his head, "tonight though, ok? I'm ready now but if I end up not doing it tonight I won't be able to do it another night."
"Whenever you want." I reply as I plant a kiss on his cheek.


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