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Maya's POV

"Oh sh- Maya you scared the crap outta me!" He whisper-shouted, whilst trying to calm his breathing down.
"What were you doing?" I laugh, going to the walking over to him when he walks over to me with big steps and pins me against the wall and kisses me. He pulls back when I then put my arms around his neck and pull him back in. He picks me up from under my knees and I wrap my legs around his waist, with our lips not separating.

He places me on the couch no I'm laying down and he's on top of me. (ASFFGJKLLDKDKDNDJFUIREFHKVCH)

We were there and he was balancing himself on top of me and we were just staring at each others eyes the lights weren't on but it wasn't exactly pitch black. And the room suddenly got even brighter by just looking at his chocolate coloured eyes. He smiled, which made me smile and his smile is so- He kisses me, bringing me back into reality, away from my thoughts. I wrap my arms around his neck as we deepen the kiss. It's perfect. His tongue slides in and it gets heated quick, the adrenaline's firing through my body. We do this cool-like manoeuvre thing where, with our lips still attached, he transfers so he's laying on the couch and I'm on top of him, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in more, if that was even possible. We make out some more for which feels like forever. He starts to kiss my neck and I want more to happen, so much more and it feels like he does too. But I can't. I'm not ready. I stop and he immediately does too.

"I'm sorry" I awkwardly say, when I caught my breath. I get up real awkward and straighten my clothes, avoiding any eye contact with him as possible whilst doing so.
He gets up "it's fine, I can tell you're not ready, not in a rude way" he quickly adds "it's just I get it. And just so you know, " he tries making eye contact but I still don't because the embarrassment is real, "if we do actually... You know... I would NEVER do it on this couch, especially in an such an open place!" He laughs looking around the room then scratches the back of his neck. Which makes me giggle.

We stand there for what feels like years when he finally says, "Maya..?" But I don't reply, "Maaaayaaaaaa" he says putting his arms around my waist, pulling me in and trying to make eye contact with me but my eyes were glued to my feet. He gently pulls my chin up and puts my vision back locked into his gorgeous brown evil spell he calls eyes. "Can I ask you something?" He says.

My heart beat sped faster than light speed. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. My stomach does that nervous flippy thing and he notices this and hugs me tight. "Maya! Don't woryyyyy." He chuckles, rubbing my back as I start to smile wide into his chest, "I was gonna ask you out on an official date." I couldn't make out what he'd just said and when I did, my mouth just formed a big O.

Josh's POV

We're standing here and I'm just anxiously staring into her eyes hoping she sees me sort of eye praying that she'll say yes. She looked at me as if I spoke Chinese  to her. "..Maya..?" I ever risky let out, "you don't have to say yes, I understand. I say as I start to leave the room, trying to not show any sad emotion whatsoever.
"Josh, wait" she says quickly, but loud enough for me to hear, "if I said 'yes' which I might be saying, where would you take me to try and impress me?" She says, crossing her arms and raises one eyebrow.
"Well Ms Clutterbucket-"
"How do know that?" She says, shocked, by then relalises,
"Riley" we say at the same time
"Anyways, Ms Clutterbucket, I would take you to.." lightbulb! "Actually, if you'd say 'yes' which you might be saying, then it'd have to be a surprise." I smirk whilst looking at my nails as if I'm king.
"Ok Matthews, " she comes up to me "let's do this."
"Alriiiiight," I say pulling her in for a quick kiss and let go but leave my arms around her waist and she does the same but around my neck "this is what you call 'progress' meh friend. So Friday night?" I smirk even bigger
"I'll see ya then." She mocks my smirk, "well, actually- I guess I'll see you before that like 100 billion times because we basically live together but technically we-" and I kiss her. It was nicest way of telling her to stop talking. But I guess she agreed as her body relaxed and she kissed back.

We went back to Riley's room and see them two already snuggled up. She looked to cute and happy. They were asleep and even to this day, I loved the way Riley sleeps, that sounds mad creepy but she does this thing where she sleeps with her mouth like half-way to wide open and a little drool. I remember when she was like 4 and she used to sleep like that, and she still does.

Maya and I get comfortable and we intertwine our legs together and I swear, 10 seconds of us like this. She was out like a light. I looked down at her face and moved some hair that was over her face and tucked it behind her ear and placed my hand there and rubbed my thumb across her cheek. I put my arms back around her to go back to our first position. I kiss her firmly on her forehead. I closed my eyes and I say, "goodnight beautiful, I love you." And eventually fell asleep.

Lucas' POV

When I heard Maya and Josh talking in the living room, I couldn't help myself but listen. I only got to hear the end part because Riles was still falling asleep a do heard them talking about a date. I didn't trust Josh when Maya first told me about him but I had faith in him. That's different.

When they came back to Riley's room and thought I was asleep I was so glad they didn't realise me. Maya fell asleep so quick and after that I thought that was it for me and I closed my eyes and started to count sheep when Josh interrupted me "goodnight beautiful, I love you." I've never heard him say I love you to her. That's a big thing to say. And I don't think she's said that to him. Well, from what she told me, she probably has but I don't think he had.

Normally most guys only say I love you to girls to their faces or by text just to make them happy and they don't really mean it. I thought Josh was one of those guys but he said it to Maya, who was asleep so couldn't have heard. So he really must've meant it, and he I could sense a little hurt in his voice but I thought it was noting. Why would he be upset by saying that anyway?

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