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Maya's POV

I woke up by the bright rays of the beautiful morning Sun and soon began to realise that I was sleeping beside Josh in his bed. I looked up at his cute little face. His hair was all messy and his cute eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open. I looked down and saw that he was only wearing his boxer shorts and I was only wearing a t shirt. Josh's t-shirt. And then I remembered the previous happenings in the bedroom last night after dinner and giggled quietly and stopped as Josh was nearly waking up.

Our legs were, as usual, tangled up with one another and our fronts were glued tight as our arms were wrapped around each other. I never felt so relaxed or at peace. I loved it.

I got up out of his grip and a million thoughts were just racing though my mind. Have you forgiven him? Why did I give in so easily? What if he hurts you again?

I started pacing back and forth, biting my fingernails anxiously. I had to think. I had to go back to my house. I threw on my leggings and replaced Josh's t-shirt with a bra and hoodie. I threw my hair in a messy bun and congratulated myself in the mirror of how perfect it was.

In the mirror I could see Josh's reflected and my smile dropped again. Was it worth being with him if it's this confusing? Why do I keep beating myself down?

I turned around and sat beside him. I loved him. I did. I can't let him hurt me again though. He won't. He said he won't.

Oh god, my head hurts I need to go. I scribbled him a note;

I've left to go back to mine. It's nothing I just need to think about things. About us. I'll call you.
Maya x

Short and sweet.

I crept out of his room as quickly as I could and closed the door almost silently and tip toed to the living room.

"SURPRISE!!!!!" The Matthews shouted at the top of their lungs. Holy crap. How could I forget? I laughed to myself, "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Mayaaaa!!!" They all sung, as Auggie ran over to me and put a party hat on me and gave me squeeze and I kissed his curly head. "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TOOOO YOU!!" They all excitedly clapped.

"Thank you family, your work never goes underappreciated." I say, going in for a group hug.

"Happy birthday peaches." I hear Riley mumble into my shoulder.

"Thanks sweetie." I smile.

"Hey! What's all this racket I hear." Josh barges in. "A family hug? Without me?!" He grins as he jumps in.

I opened all the birthday presents and Riley's painting made my son like a baby. Memories of that night came back. And it kinda sucked because everything was simpler back then, who am I kidding no it wasn't. I still frickin loved it and was 100% going to put it up in my bedroom back at my apartment.

After the huge breakfast buffet that Queen Tope put together I decided to go back to my house minimising any contact or conversation with Josh whatsoever. I didn't need his evil wizard ways to mess with my heart and decisions. I was sorta surprised that Josh didn't really pay THAT much attention to the opening presents, he, like last night, just stood there awkwardly on his phone. But his attention sprung right back when he got the breakfast alarm for Auggie.

But last night he said "of course I know". What did he mean "of course" and surely he'd get me something if he "of course" knew. God I sound like a spoilt rat.


It was point midday and I headed back to Riley's house and we spent the majority of the time watching really suckish movies with kiddie pyjamas. How we spend most of our times together, actually.

I glanced over at the ginormous purple clock in her room which read 4:18 and at that moment Riley's phone buzzed.

Her eyes widened at the text.. But in a good way?

"What? What is it?" I asked, real curious

"Oh, nothing." She couldn't have lied worse.

"Whatever you say.." I take a big handful of popcorn and focus back on the movie.

Riley's POV

The text couldn't have come at a worse time. I was so sure and scared that Maya was going to take my phone and look. Thank god she didn't.

It was from Josh. "It's time."

"Ok, bringing her down. Hope this works... :/" I send back.

"So Maya. About Josh-"

"DON'T say his name. This are really complicated right now and I want to have one full day just not thinking about him and have a me day."

Well peaches.. Today's not that day.

"Ok then......" I said confused on where to go next.

**literally like 1 minute later**

"Ok get up. We're going out." I say turning off the TV.

"What? Are you crazy?" She mumbled through the mouthful of popcorn.

"Yeah.. We're going out.. To play... Laser Tag!" I blurt out slowly

"What are you talking about?" She stands up placing the popcornbowl on my desk.

"Yeah. That's right." I laugh like a crazy person, "it's your surprise. so SURPRISE. Yup. A whole bunch of kids are going there. A WHOLE bunch. Why would I lie? LET'S go" I say quickly and fearfully.

"Ok then!" She hops to my/our wardrobe.

She comes out looking flawless. Even though it was just jeans and a hoodie.

But she can't dress like THAT this is really special. I think to myself. But it has to be comfortable like Josh said.

"Ok. LOVE it. But what about we wear this." I say going into the wardrobe and finding the perfect outfit.

I come out and give her a white t-shirt with cool funky black words and my favourite clothing I own; my Knicks jacket.

"Riley I can't. That's your like holy grail Jersey." She states.

"Yes but today's special." I say giving her the jacket.

"We're only going laser tagging, Riley." She says pushing it away.

"Maya. Today's your day remember. This is my good luck jersey and I want you to wear it." I smile.

She hugs me. "Thank you, Riles. I love you, thank you for everything." She lets go and throws off her hoodie putting on the t-shirt.

"Ok well you're gonna hate me when I tell you this, we're not going laser tagging and no ones coming we're going somewhere where you're going to meet a surprise guest and do a surprise thing. Yay." I smile huge.

"Wha-" she tries to say but I yank her arm out of the door as she quickly grabs be jacket and her phone.



get excited. I love you.


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