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Riley's POV

I got woken up by the annoying sound that was my alarm clock. Not even kidding but I cried a little at the thought of school and I slapped it off. Maya didn't wake up, what a surprise(!) I kicked her from under the warm duvet a bit too hard as she fell off the bed. And the loud thud she made had woke up Farkle and Lucas who were on the floor be I'd completely forgotten about them. I can't even remember going to bed, I was obviously really fucking tired.

Maya stands up, "hey what was that fo- BAHAHAHAHAHHSHAHAHSHAHSHSHAHHAHAHAHAHA RILES ARE YOU CRYING AGAIN?" Maya laughs as she falls back on the floor and holds her stomach. See, this isn't the first time I cried. I literally hate school, not because of bullies or anything but it's just absolutely a piece of shit I mean, I know that plants are good for the Earth, I know about War, I know my times tables, I know my punctuation and grammar, isn't that enough?
"Shut up! I really don't wanna go guys," I sigh "GASP! What if hit my leg really hard against the tab-"
"Riley." Everyone says expressionless
"fiiiIIIIINE" I groan, "buT, we're going to have a little party first" I say as I quickly turn on "Where Are Ü Now" by the good old Justin Bieber. THAT SONG IS EVERYTHING. [A/N: it actually is, I'm listening to iT RN LMAO😂 IF YOU HAVENT HEARD IT THEN STOP READING RN AND LISTEN TO IT GJSKFNDNFJNDNF]

Lucas' POV

"WHERE ARE YOU NOW THAT I NEED YA DUN DUNANA DUN DANA DUN DANADUNANANANEEW" Riley screams and dance vigorously and everyone was dancing and singing along, it was the best.

Maya left first for be bathroom and then did Riley. They went for breakfast and I left and then when I came back I saw Farkle, sitting on the bay window. He was already dressed in his black jeans, white t-shirt, and his black leather jacket beside him.

"Farkle, your turn." I say.

No answer.

"Farkle?" And his heads turns straight to me, as I snapped him out of his little daydream, I go sit next to him, "what's up?"
"I don't trust Josh."
"What?" I gasp, "come on dude, you hardly even met him, he's coolc trust me."
"You're right, I hardly do know him. But remember back in 9th grade? Your chocolate sundae?"
"Oh my god. Here we go again..." I sigh and laugh a little
"DON'T LAUGH J TOLD YOU IT LOOKED WAY OAST ITS EXPIRATION DATE BUT DID YOU LIETEN NO YOU DID NOT AND WHO WAS THEN SICK FOR A WEEK WITH A STOMACH ACHE FOR NOT LISTENING TO ME? YOU SIR!" He laughs as he stands up and waved his arms over dramatically, looking at he pretend talk show audience.
"I missed ya buddy" I say and hug him
"I missed you too, bro"
"But seriously, Josh is cool."
"Ok but answer me this."
"Did you trust him we. You first met him again? And if it changed, how did it?"
"I didn't. At all."
"Thank you!" He throws his arms in the air again, "wait, what changed it?"
"He told her he loves her."
"Yeah but he could've been lying, he was probably saying that just to make her happ-"
"She was asleep."
"Oh." And he fell silent, "well, guess it's my turn for the bathroom." Her nervously laughs as he grabbed his toothbrush and awkwardly went to the bathroom.

Farkle's POV

We walked into school and everyone was moody as ever.

First and second period was literally so boring, everyone was like half asleep.

But at break, something happened.

Maya's POV

I was at my locker with Riles at hers and then someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see little Cindy from Maths class, she was a quiet, back if the class gal.
"Hey Cindy, what's up?" I smile, I always liked her, she reminded me of little me
"Is it true you're dating Joshua Matthews?" She sniggers.

Yeah... I don't think I like her anymore.

Riley slammed her locker shut, shocked, and turned to Cindy. She looked behind me and her jaw dropped and I turned around to see almost half the school, with their phones out, recording us.

"What is this???!" I shout, confused
"Well, well, well" a voice comes through the crowd and claps with each "well" I knew exactly who it was.


Riley's POV

My mouth just stayed dropped until that asshole came, or it was the fact that I swallowed a bug. Either way I stopped jaw-dropping as soon as he walked through.

"What do we have here?"
He asks
"Umm, don't you know? You're the one who sent me here to ask Maya that que-" Cindy says
"Shut UP Cindy!" He groans, "you've done your job now fuck off!"
"Sorry" she says and runs as fast as her little legs could go.

We waved his hands in a "shoo" motion at the crowd, whilst not taking his eyes off of Maya's, and she did the same but honestly, hers were so much more scarier like seriously.

The hallway was silent.

Click, click, click, click.. Click, click. The sound of high heels became louder and louder.


"Get lost." She says to me
"What even are you, go away you little she-devil" I spit
"What did you say?" She takes a few steps towards me
"That's right" I say and accidentally spit on her.

I take a step back and se mirrors my steps at the exact same time and takes a step towards me. Another step back another step forward for her.

"aanababa SEE YOU IN HOMEROOM MAYA LOVE YOU SORRY GOOD LUCK SORRY" I scream and run as fast as I could out of there and heard Mussy walking in another direction.

Maya's POV

I would be sort of upset that Riles left my side but 1) at least she got rid of Missy 2) I could tell how scared she was of Missy anyway, so I couldn't really do anything 3) I was too busy wanting to rip his eyeballs out of its sockets so..

"I need to talk to you, " he says, he had a look on his face. He looked serious, and a little worried. So I stupidly followed him.

We went to the stares and no one was there and so we sat on the last one at the bottom.

"What do you want?"
"I need to talk you," he takes a look around to make sure no one else was listening, "about Josh." He almost whispers
"What about him? Why are you even talking to me?"
"Because you ungrateful little snob, I know what that jerk is like, and I don't want you getting hurt."

He said a mean thing and then a nice one. If he was girl, then j guess he could've been on his monthly but he has no excuse for that.

"Oh, like you did? Asshole"
"I'm TRYING hell you, you bitch, he's bad news!"
"The only bad news here is YOU!" Lucas says behind us.


"What the-"
"Fuck off you cunt! LEAVE HER ALONE."
"Or what?" He smirked, acting all tough
"Lucas lets just leave him, he's nothin-"
And Lucas punches him. He falls on the floor and Missy comes out of no where and pathetically comes running and goes to Brandon who has a bleeding mouth. GREAT GOING LUCAS!

"Hey I was only trying to help you!" He sort of laughs and grabs my hand and runs out of school as I follow him.

Crap! Did I say that out loud?

We enter the Matthews' empty house. Listen Maya, just stay home for the rest of the day."
"What?! NO!! WHAT?!"
"YES! I'll go back to school and explain to Mr Matthews where you are and why you're there."
"Because, it's probably not best right now, ok? Just trust me on this please?" He said as he places his hand on my shoulder and I follow his arm and look at my shoulder and back at him. I think about it for a while.

"Ok." I sigh and he hugs me, "be careful, don't do anything stupid, like you did." I laugh

"I can't promise anything." He heads for the window and I punch his arm. "OW! Ok! Ok."

I smile and he dies a cheesy fake big smile.

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