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Maya's POV

I remember the night of Blossoms birth. 11th June 11:47pm. I was terrified. But Topanga helped me through it all, their whole family did. I all happened so fast and it was such a blur. The nurse gave her to me. It was a girl. We wanted it to be a surprise. She had my icy blue eyes. And Josh's hair. She was beautiful.

"What are you going to name her, Maya?" Riley asked, with her arm around me, rubbing mine.

"I don't know." I said honestly. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was so happy yet so not happy. I didn't even get to tell Josh. But I didn't want that to get the way of Blossom's upbringing. I didn't want it to be like how my mother was with me. I know mom tries her hardest but I want Blossom to grow up in a good, healthy and happy home.

"What about 'Blossom'?" Topanaga smiles at me while staring at Blossom in awe.

"Mom, what kind of name is Blossom?" Riley asked her mother.

"An incredibly stupid nickname." I laugh as a single rolled down my cheek. "But I love it."

"She can have both of your last names, Maya." Topanga says, "Blossom Hart Matthews. The 'Hart' can act like a middle name but it'll still be there. So she's always apart of both of you, in written form,  obviously."

"Welcome to the family, Blossom." Riley says gently.

When Blossom was two I managed to save enough money, Cory and Topanaga helped majorly, of course, to move in a small but cute apartment in California. The good byes were the hardest. I said a ahuge goodbye to mom when i could and headed home, the first goodbye went to Logan and the crew, then Lucas, who already started to cry, which made me cry. Then to Auggie, then Cor and Topanga. I gave them the biggest thank you I ever could. Riley's goodbye was the hardest. She made a powerpoint presentation on how much she'd miss me. The last slide was about "Not Holding Back." She made it very indirectly towards it but I knew she was talking about my feeling.

Don't Hold Back.

2 weeks after we moved in Riley came to visit anyway, she stayed for about 3 weeks with Lucas in our apartment. It was just like old times. Farkle couldn't be there because he was travelling around the world. Conquering it and whatnot. 

When Blossom was old enough, she started going to a daycare not far from home and I signed up for a Art college. The most shy yet surprisingly most popular guy in class was chosen to show me around campus. It was a performing arts college. Everyone was so talented. He showed me the different sides of the school, they were all split up, Art, Dance, Drama, Music. It was beautiful.

 We started becoming really close and her introduced me to some of his friends too. who would've thought that 4 years later he'd propose to me and we'd have a child together?

We want to travel the world, when Charlotte's old enough of course. All the huge/most beautiful countries of the world. And our last stop going back to the famous New York and buy a house. And make it our home.

A day hasn't gone past where I haven't thought about him. About Josh. He created who I was today. I will never love anyone as much as I love Josh. I love Jordan as much as I can with my tiny body, otherwise I wouldn't have said yes. But we would never have what me and Josh had. I don't think anyone ever would. 

It was a late night. Jordan was at his parents for his mom's birthday. But I had work and had to take care of Blossom, who was too sick to go to school. Too sick to go out. 

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