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Maya's POV

I woke up bright and early. Ew. I'm so not a morning person. Especially today, I just want to stay in bed all day with Josh. His arm was still around me, and I turn around to I'm facing his chest. And I dig my head into it. I've never felt more complete in my life. Even more than I was with Brandon. I love Josh so much and he actually cares about me. He was there for me when I was sad, happy, scared. And he helped me get through it.

"I love you," I muffle into his bare chest, "a lot. Thank you for everything." He was still asleep, I think to myself and then he kisses me on the top of my head. He wasn't asleep. Crap, how embarrassing..

"Morning beautiful" he smiles, squinting trying to adjust to the suns rays.
"Good morning," I smile up at him, "slept well?"
"I sure did when you came." He winked, as I punch him playfully on the chest and got up. "Do you remember what you said last night after you came in, just before you fell asleep actually..."
"I think so.." I say awkwardly. When I said I love you to him. Oh god oh god how humiliating.
"You told me you love me.."
"I did" I awkwardly reply.
"Did you hear what I said after that?" He asks me
"No," I reply honestly, "I must've dosed off, what did you say?"
"It's not important.." He says, and looks a little hurt
"Listen Josh, " I sit on he edge of the bed, facing away from him, "I know you don't feel the same way and I get it because the age gap and all that and-"

Josh's POV

"Maya, I wasn't doing to say that," I say, I was about to say 3 words that both of us would want to hear come out of my mouth right now. But I couldn't, "but you're right, 3 years is sort of a big difference." I was going to break if off but I remembered; the dare. "But I don't care about an age difference, I really like you and I want to be with you." I smile at her. She gives a big smile back, I gave her the butterflies, again. Damn she's got it really really really REALLY bad.. What am I doing? Why am I doing this?

I head on out to shower and put on some lazy clothes, a hoodie and a new pair of joggers. Maya then went in and got changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, she looked so ador- NO JOSH.

We then went to have breakfast and surprisingly, everyone was still asleep we saw the time and it was 7:15, damn we woke up very early. I was kind of relieved because no one, I guess, noticed that Maya was slept next to me.

Maya's POV

Josh said he wanted to be with me. What am I supposed to do, I don't know if I'm ready to go into another relationship yet. I still don't trust him enough to date him. He's going to break me, just like Brandon did. I can feel it.. But maybe I shouldn't think about the future.. Maybe I should just think about now, and be happy.

Josh said he wanted to make me breakfast and I let him because I don't know the first thing about cooking. The only thing I can cook was toast and that's not exactly "cooking" .
"So what are you cooking, chef Matthews?" I mock him
"That's a surprise now scurry off," he says with a posh accent, "let me be with my kitchen"
"Your kitchen?"
"Do you want your breakfast or not?" He huffs in his normal voice
"Ugggggh FINE" I say and plop into the sofa

After breakfast, which was pancakes and DELICIOUS, we decided to just chill and watch movies on TV. The Matthews started to come in and finally have their breakfast at 10ish am, that was late for those guys. They must've warned to have a lie in.

Riley's POV

"I really want to do something today, but I cannot be bothered." I say as I munch on my Cheerios
"Why don't you just invite some of your friends over, that way you don't have to do anything," Dad suggests "but you're still doing something."
"Yeah maybe I'll call Lucas over, ugh and Farkles not back yet from England," I groan, he's speanding the entire summer break at England, lucky him. I hope someday me and Lucas could go there, it's be cool and cute. Lucas and I, I don't even know what we are. I mean I guess I like him, and maybe he likes me too but I don't know, he's not doing anything and I think he likes Maya too, but they tell me that their just friends and he's like a brother to her so she wouldn't ever do anything, and I believed her.

After awhile, I decide to finally call Lucas over, us two and Maya and UJ would have a movie night, I told him. He said that he was coming over in an hour or two. I saw the time, it was 2:30pm so I decided to run a bath. I poured in my favourites lavender bath foamy thing oh my god it smelt beautiful and BUBBLES!! I got in and adjusted to the hot temperature. Afterwards, me and Maya decided to have a pamper (sorta)evening and we had face masks, did our nails. And then after we just got into our jammies.

Lucas showed up at around 5ish, and he said he could stay over and mom and dad agreed since they both love Lucas, and they loved he fact that he was sleeping in Uncle Josh's room. Mom and dad promised that they wouldn't interrupt our movie night at all and neither would Auggie since he was staying the night over at his friends.

We decided to just watch some old(ish) horror movies, so we went with Saw 2, The Conjuring and then Annabelle after that. I honestly hated horror movies, and Maya wasn't fond of them either but not the boys loved them so we went along with it. We didn't mind, I personally just wanted Lucas to be happy. And then I'd automatically be happy.

Maya's POV

By the time we watched the second movie, we decided to sit on the floor because we thought/knew that someone from under the couch would grab our legs and pull us down...

Anyways, me and Josh were sitting next to each other and Riley and Lucas were about 20 inches away, so not far but sort of far.. Far enough for a demon to sit between me and Lucas that's for sure. I was snuggled with Josh and Riley was with Lucas. Every time a scary part had come on, I'd jump and so would Josh and Riley would scream a little and Mr Tough Guy over here aka Lucas, wouldn't react, he'd just rub Riley's arm and that would calm her down in a second. As soon as I was all smug with Josh, Lucas saw straight away and then it hit me I forgot to tell Lucas! HOW could I forget to tell LUCAS?!

Don't get me wrong, I don't like him in that way, it'll kill Riley. She always believed that I had a thing for him and he did too but we only like each other as brother and sister, and we always will. And since Lucas is my only "sibling" I tell him everything, sometimes even more than I tell Riles. And he does too. He went to the kitchen to put a new packet of microwaveable popcorn in the microwave but "couldn't find it" I know he knows where it is but he was pretending to just get me to the kitchen to talk.

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