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Maya's POV

I woke up and slowly visions came back from yesterday after school and last night. I looked over next to me on my bed to see it was empty. And it made me feel sorta sad. And I got kinda surprised at that. Why was I upset?

I thought about last night. Me and Josh spoke. And that was it. I don't know why it hurt me so much that he wasn't here right now, but it did.

I got my sorry ass up and got dressed for school. Nothing too big just black leggings and an oversized hoodie and I just pulled my hair back with a hair tie and wore a little lip gloss and mascara.

Hopefully today everything will be ok.


I walked the doors and headed for my locker and had a hyper Riley waiting there anxiously.

"Maya!!" She screamed running to me and hugging me tightly, "something really bad and strange and weird and wrong happened!" She whispered loudly into my ear.

"Oh my god, one day. I just wanted ONE. DAY. Where SOMETHING can go right!" I frantically through my arms in the air, laughing as I opened my locker. "Ok so what's wrong?" I asked pathetically throwing books in and out of my locker, switching places in my bag, not caring at all whatsoever.

"BRANDON. BROKE. UP. WITH. MISSY." She said slowly and carefully. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"what?!" I shouted and everyone's eyes turned and faced me, "oops sorry!" And they continued. "Ok so what happened??!" I whisper-shouted.

"Well I don't know everything but that's what Lisa told me who heard from Brianna who sits next to Cara who's friends with Glenda who was talking to Missy." She said quickly and stopped and took a huge gasp for air. "That he just dumped her! Literally apparently 'things weren't working out' and 'the spark was gone' like God this is high school not Shakespearesville."

"But you know what Cara's like she over exaggerates sometimes..." I point out.

"Trueeeee." She stretches it out for exaggeration.

"But I can't believe it! Why would he break up with her? Them two evil assholes deserve each other. I'm gonna talk to him fourth period. We both have free lesson." I closed my locker.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to come? I can ditch trigonometry?" Riley suggests.

"Are you crazy? No no I got this."

Riley's POV

After trigonometry I had social studies and then I had a free period. I decided to head to be library for peace and quiet.

I checked my phone for the 4628372th time; nothing from Maya.

I was getting worried but tried not to think about it too much. My phone buzzed and I squealed.

It was UJ.

"Hey wassup I'm in the library so I need to be a little quiet!" I whispered loudly into the phone. "Wait let me get outa here." I stopped him from beginning his sentence and speed walked to be hallway outside.

"Ok so I'm here what's up, UJ?"

"Hi Riles, so I was at Maya's last night remember, I told you?" He asked

"Yeah sure..?"

"Well I know how I need to get Maya to forgive me. But I'm gonna need your help. Big time."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! OH MY Gosh Uncle Josh this is going to be be most greatest thing eveR HOLD ON I'M COMING HOME RIGHT NOW! YOUR'E HOME RIGHT?! I'M COMING HOME!!"

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