chapter 27

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"Hey Liz. How's my grandchildren." David asked.

I smiled and layed my hand on my tummy.

"Pretty good actually." I told him.

He smiled. "I'm going to spoil them." He teased.

I snorted. "And if I don't let you?" I asked curiously.

He snorted this time. "You're stuck with me darling haha."

I started laughing with him. David cracks me up alot. He's like a dad to me now. We chatted for a bit and then he had to go leave. Jay entered the room five minutes later and smiled big at me. A smile lit up on my face.

"I missed you." I told him.

He smed and pecked my lips. "I missed you too. I went to go see Brandon's parents to see if they're still alright." Jay said.

My mood got sad at Brandon's name. I miss him alot. He was always there for me and I'm probably the reason he died since he was there when I ran off scared as hell. I felt my eyes tear up and Jay awed. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears away when they escaped.

"It's okay love. He's in a better place. The funeral's in two days. Do you want to shop for some clothes?" He asked.

His funeral's in two days? I have no black shirts or jeans that'd fit me since I'm preggo. All I've been wearing were tights, sweats, yoga pants, and big shirts that I sleep in. I'm gonna wanna wear something decent during the funeral.

"Yea. I need something decent to wear tomorrow." I told him.

He nodded. "Alright. Come on, let's get you up."

I chuckled as he lightly grabbed my arm. Since my belly was hetting bigger, I was having a hard time getting up and doing other crap. Jay helped me out of his bed and we walked, well more like he walked and I waddled.

Yeah, I used to be skinny and now I got me a big belly carrying two kids. I'm not regretting having these kids. i love them already. We made it out of the house alive and he helped me sit down in the passangers side.

"Where do you want to go?" Jay asked me.

I shrugged. "Anywhere that has decent clothes."

He nodded and started driving. I turned up the radio and changed the station to some soft country. Ed Sheeran came on and I love his voice. Give me love was playing and I sang along quietly to it.

"I love your voice." Jay commented.

My face felt hot. "Thanks babe." I told him shyly.

He chuckled and laced our fingers together. I smiled warmly and sang along to the next song. We parked infront of Motherhood and I chuckled. He would bring me here haha.

"You would." I teased.

He smirked. "I know."

We both laughed and he helped me out of the car. We entered the store and Jay helped me choose out a shirt and a pair of skinnies. We found a nice black shirt that fitted for a funeral with a lair of black skinnies.

"This will do good." I told Jay.

He nodded and we went to go pay for it. I felt a tug on the bottom of my shirt and I looked down. A lil girl was right there staring at me with big blue eyes. I awed at her.

"Can I touch your belly?" The lil girl asked.

I awed even more. I nodded. "Of course you can." I told her.

I bent down a lil and let her feel my belly. She giggled as I saw her mom making her way towards me. She grabbed her daughters hand lightly.

"I'm so sorry! Leyla loves to walk off alot." The mother said.

I chuckled. "It's okay. She just wanted to feel my belly." I told her.

She looked at my belly and her eyes widened at how big I am.

"How many are you having?" She asked.

"Twins." I said.

She awed. "That's cute." She said.

I nodded in agreement and Jay got next to me. We said bye to the mother and her daughter. We lect and went home tl rest some more.


this is all i have so far. yeah it's boring but the next chapter is the funeral and then some more drama

liz is gonna be in labor really soon and then the book ends. if you want a sequel just tell me and i might make a sequel.(: I just need more ideas or ill just go with the flow like ways haha

vote?! c(:



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