chapter 23

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"Come on before they come back." Mark said in a whisper.

I nodded and got up with him. We started walking away with the knife still against my throat. Man. This is scaring me alot and it's stressing me and the kids. My babies! I need to stay calm so my babies won't get hurt cause of my stress. Before we left the building, I decided to make a move instead of being the damsel in distress. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he let go of me. He landed with a soft thug and groaned while holding his jewels.

I kicked him some more times and he was groaning in pain. I huffed at him and turned around to walk back inside but that never happened cause he got up fast and grabbed my hair. I screamed a really high pitch scream. That should get Jay and the others.

"Shut the fuck up!" Mark yelled.

I whimpered and got quiet. He grabbed both my hands and tied them really fast with something metal. Wait. Did he just handcuff me? I hope not! I tried looking behind me and I couldn't see.

"Did you just handcuff me?" I asked him angrily.

He grinned and nodded. I got infront of him and was about to kick him where the sun doesn't shince once again but his words stopped me.

"Kick me in the balls and your twins will get it." He threatened.

My eyes teared up fast and I turned around so he won't hurt my babies. He chuckled.

"Liz!" I heard Jay yell loudly.

"Jay!" I screamed.

I turned back around and ran for it but didn't make it cause Mark grabbed me by the waist and shoved his blade on my neck. I froze and let the tears spill. Jay looked shocked.

"Mark?" Jay asked.

Mark snorted. "Duh! It's me!" Mark said sarcastically.

"Why?" Jay asked.

He scoffed once again. "Cause noone ever paid attention to. They liked you more than me and you got all the pretty girls." Mark sneered.

Oh wow. If we weren't in this situation, I'd be laughing. Like foreals! Mark's really hot but Jay's hotter. Mark can pull a girl if he even tried. Wait. I take that back, he would have chicks all over him in less than 30 minutes. Jay snorted.

"Come on. Just because of this? That's stupid bro. Let her go and I'll find you a pretty chick." Jay said trying to change Mark's mind.

Mark shook his head no. "No! I want her! If I can't have her then noone does! Plus! Joe was sopose to give her to me!" Mark yelled in anger.

What!? He worked with Joe!? This fucker! He betrayed Jay and the others! I would never do that to my own family! I love my family and I don't know what I'll do without them.

"Mark! You worked with the bad guys?!" David's booming voice yelled.

Mark cringed and so did I. Man. I would be so afraid of David if this was the first time I was meeting him but I already met him and I like him. Mark looked speechless but recovered in a second.

"Yes I did dad. They gave me a good deal." Mark said proudly.

I now hated this guy. He needs to be locked up or something but I don't want him dead. I don't want people dieing cause of me cause I'll feel really guilty and I hate feeling guilty. I saw someone moving on the corner of my eye and I looked and made sure noone saw. I saw Kourtney holding a crowbar and I wanted to laugh out loud but I didn't. I don't want to get killed or injured. Too much drama for me and I don't want more.

Kourtney disappeared from my vision and I went back to the arguement. Man. All three were yelling at eachother and the blade was still pressed up against my neck.

"Oh come on! Remember when I got an award and you come home saying you helped a fucking cat get off the tree and dad was proud of you?!" Mark yelled at Jay.

This arguement is getting stupid. Get to the serious things instead of memories where they get mad eachother! I was about to yell at them to let me go but Mark said something that made everyone freeze.

"If I can't have her then noone does!" Mark screeched and pressed the blade more against my neck piercing my skin.

A whimper escaped my lips. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the blade to kill me but it never happened cause I heard a thump on the ground. I opened my eyes and found him on the ground with blood oozing out of his head. I felt sick to the bone.

I ran to a bush and puked my guts out. When I finished, I started breathing hard. I felt someones hand rubbing up and down my back to relax me and it worked. A sigh escaped my lips and turned around to find Jay there with a concerned look on his face.

"You alright babe?" Jay asked me.

Am I? I don't know cause of all the events happening. I just need a break to relax. So many things to stress me out and that's bad for the twins. I don't want to loose them at all. I need a really good back massage. Those really help me relax really good. Jay chuckled.

"Come on babe. I'm taking to mine so you can relax. First, we're going to drop of your friends." Jay said.

I nodded and saw my friends walking towards me. I saw Arian with that one dude who helped us. The one that said he was going to leave them anye


"I'm taking her home then coming back here." He said.

I nodded and so did Jay. We all got in his car and he drove everyone home. Jay drove us to his and my relaxation started when i crashed onto his bed. Ahhhh. Confiness......


This is what i got so far. Hope you guys like it(: Oh! I made a twitter so follow me!?:3 holy_shiznitt hahaa

tell your peeps or friends to read my stories on here?(: hahh

tell me whtt yall thinkk!




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