chapter 18

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You should tell your friends to read this story.(: I'd like it haha. I tried my best with this story and I like to have other people reading commenting fanning and voting. And you too haha. Well here's chapter 18!(:


Everyone ambushed me in the hotel room. My mom was the first with a sick worried expression. She hugged me tightly and cried on me.

"Oh hun! I missed you so much! I got out of the hospital two weeks ago and when I heard you were in a coma. Oh hun! I hope you're okay!" My mom cried.

I groaned. "Mom. My head hurts." I whined.

She chuckled lightly and let me go. "Sorry hun. I was just so worried about." She said.

I chuckled and nodded.


I was watching t.v when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw the nurse enter with David. I smiled at both of them and the nurse gave me my food. She left so it was just David and I. An awkward silence was all I heard which got even more awkward. This is so weird.... I never been alone with David before. I bet he's here cause Jay told him about me being pregnant.

"Is it true?" David asked me.

I looked at him. "About me being pregnant?" I asked him.

He nodded and I sighed. "Yes. I'm three months pregnant with Jay's child. I didn't find out until teh doctor told me." I said truthfully.

David looked at me strangely. "Really?" He asked.

I chuckled softly. "Yes. I guess I was so busy that I didn't notice to signs of being pregnant." I said putting my hand on my bump.

David chuckled. "It happened to my wife too. She didn't find out that she was pregnant with Jay till her stomach was very noticeable. She's in France for a photo shoot right now. She's going to be very happy when she finds out that she's going to be a grandma." David said.

I chuckled. "Well I can't wait till I have my kid." I said patting my tummy.

David chuckled and we fell into silence for 30 minutes. He said he had to go to work and he left. I looked through the channels and heard the door open. I looked and saw Chris and Jaz enter. They both hugged me tightly and I was about to loose my breathing if they didn't back away.

"Can't breath!" I squeezed out.

Chris and Jaz backed away fast and they both smiled sheepishly until Chris frowned. Oh no. She has that look that says I have explaining to do. Jaz sat down to enjoy the show and I glared at her.

"Why didn't you tell mom or I that you were being bullied?" Chris asked.

My eyes widened but before I can say no, Chris frowned even more. Damn. She was just fooling around! Damn. I should've seen it.

"It is true! Why didn't you tell one of us?" Chris asked hopelessly.

I sighed. Cause I couldn't but I couldn't tell her that. Joe's pretty dangerous if you get on his bad side. He may look like the good guy but he's the bad guy and you don't want to deal with him.

"Cause he was Jay's problem since we've been dating but I'm pretty sure he's been bugging the hell outta Jay for a long time." I said truthfully.

Chris looked at me. "Oh okay. Oh and I'm moving out." She said.

My eyes nearly bulged out and my jaw it the ground. What!? She can't leave yet! She has to see her baby niece! She doesn't even know that I'm pregnant.... I looked at Jaz and she had that look that she was about to blurt out something that should be kept hidden. I gave her a look that said shut up but she couldn't keep it in nomore.

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