chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I told my friends the plans and they agreed to ditch school. "Liz! What are you going to do on your birthday?!" Val asked. I forgot all about my birthday! I feel so horrible now! "I don't know yet." I said. "Liz." Jay asked. I looked at Jay. "When's your birthday?" Jay asked. "Tomorrow." I said. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "To say the truth. I forgot about it until Val brought it up." "Let's have a party. You can invite anyone you want" Jay said. I looked at him. "Sure. But where can I have the party at?" I asked. Jay and the guys smiled fast. "My place." Jay said still smiling. "Isn't your dad going to get mad?" I asked. Like fareals! Isn't he going to get mad? "He doesn't care, we have alot of maids." Jay said with a shrug.

I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Ready?" I asked. They all nodded and we left. Noone saw us leave and we got in the cars. We got to the store in a couple of minutes and we got out of the car. We entered the store and everyone got separated except Jay and I. Weird. I grabbed a cart and I started walking with Jay. Where do you want to go first?" Jay asked. I stopped walking. Hmmm. Do I need makeup? Yes I do. "The girls aisle.You want to come? Or your going to do something else?" I said. I looked at Jay and he was thinking. "Nahh. I'll go with you." Jay said. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I wanted to melt because he gave me a smile that girls would die for.

We started walking again and when we finally got to the makeup aisle, Jay said something. "Hey Liz. I gotta get something in the guys aisle. I'll be back okay?" Jay asked. "Oh okay." I said. Jay gave me a kiss on my cheek and he left. I had a big smile on my face. "You love him don't you?" The person said. I freaked out fast. I turned around fast and it was Nessa. "Nessa! Don't scare me like that!" I said. I calmed down and I was a lil mad at Nessa for scaring me. "Sorry but yeah, you love him don't you." She said. "I do love him but it's too early to say those three words to him and it's too early to start something with him." I said. I was looking at the mascaras, having a hard time choosing one but I finally chose one.

I tossed it in the cart. "I can tell and plus, he loves you too." Nessa said. I stopped looking at the eye shadows and looked at Nessa. "How?" I asked. Nessa was looking at me and tossed something in the cart. "The way he looks at you. I see sparks flying everywhere in his eyes when yall are looking at eachother" She said. I wanted to tell her how I felt but she sensed something fast. "Say it, I know you want to say it Liz." Nessa said. We looked at eachother and Nessa had a smile on her face. Weird again. "Okay, first of all I love him, when he touches me I feel like I'm about to explode and whenever he smiles at me, I just want to met. Whenever we kiss, I feel fireworks expolding in my body and many more words. I don't know how to explain it more." I said taking a deep breath.

Wow was all Nessa said. I found some pretty eye shadows and tossed it in the cart. "Yeah." I said. I grabbed some glittery black eyeliner and tossed it in the cart too. "Well I'll see you when everyone's done getting everything. Bye." Nessa said. I said bye to her and she left. I walked to the aisle that had the razors. I grabbed the good kind and tossed it in the cart. I grabbed shaving cream and tossed it in the cart as well. "Hey I'm back." I turned around and it was Jay. I smiled and I felt so stupid because I smiled like a moron. I felt my face turn red and Jay smirked. He put his hands up in the air. "I'm sorry for making you blush but you still look more beautiful." Jay said. I blushed even more and turned my head so that he wouldn't see me blush even more.

I felt his hands cup my face and now I was looking at his beautiful eyes. I saw a twinkle in his eyes and I felt myself get on my tiptoes leaning in and he was leaning in too. Then, his soft lips were against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I felt sparks exploding everywhere in my body. He licked my bottom lip and I gave him access. I felt his tounge explore the inside of my mouth. This feels so right! My tounge explored his mouth and everything around us disapeared. I forgot that I was in a store, and my friends that were somewhere in the store. I broke the kiss and I was b reathing hard. Jay checked his cell and his eyes got big.

What is it? I got curious, so I got next to Jay and I looked at his cell. My eyes got big, because it was a picture of us kissing and a video of us making out! This is creepy! I heard someone giggling to my left and I looked at the direction. It was half of Jay's friends and half of my friends that were watching Jay and I makeout. I feel really awkward now, especially when they're next to me. I looked at Cindy and she smirked at me. "So......" I said awkwardly. "Liz. Don't feel awkward, it happened to us too." Ricky said. I looked at him and he gave me a friendly smile. "But dam girl! You know how to kiss!" Luis said smiling big.

I turned red fast and Hector started laughing. "Guys. Just leave Liz alone, it's the first time we walked in on her." Arian said. "True." Kourtney said. "Thanks!" I mouthed to Arian. "Welcomes." She mouthed back. I saw two carts; one full of different types of sodas, and the other with all types of chips. "That's alot." I said. "I know. I invited alot of people so we're gonna need alot of boose." Stevie said taking out his cell. He dialed some number. "I will like to order 10 boxes of your liquor......okay" Stevie said. He gave them the address and they said they'll be here tonight. "Alright." Jay said. We went the the cash register with all three carts. I paid for my stuff and the guys paid for the rest. I forgot about the rest of the guys and my friends until I saw them eating at McDonalds.

I got next to them and stared at their burgers. I'm hungry now. "Liz. I know you're hungy but this."Juan said pointing at his burger. "Is all mine." He said. I smirked at him and sat down next to him. While he wasn't looking, I stole some of his fries and he got mad. "Liz! Get your own!" Juan said glaring at me. I looked at him with a sad face. Hehe. I'm good at pretending to be sad. "But Juan. I'm hungry." I said sadly. I gave him my puppy dig face. "Get your lover boy to feed you. Juan said. "Please?" I said even sadder. He groaned and he stared at me with a defeated look on his face. Haha! I win! Juan got up and ordered my burger. I heard Hector cough 'Bad girl' and I glared at him. Minutes later, Juan comes with my burger and I see Jay coming our way. I felt Jay hugging me from the back and he eats a fry. "Jay! I just got this! And Juan. Thanks! I could've bought it myself but I didn't feel like waiting my money. I said cheerfully.

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