chapter 32

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"Shit." Jason muttered.

Yeah! Shit! My water broke and we're in war! I want my babies out of me so I won't feel this horrible pain. We got to the back yard and was stopped.

"Liz!" Jay said.

I perked up at his voice and found his running to me.

"Jay!" I yelled happily.

I wobbled to him and was enveloped in his arms I felt myself crying.

"Oh Jay. I missed you so much. Please don't leave me alone." I cried.

"I promised you babe. He didn't hurt you or the babies right?" Jay asked.

Another contraction hit me and I groaned. Jay looked scared.

"He didn't but my water broke minutes ago." I groaned as I held my belly.

"What?! You're in labor? Holy shit babe! We need to get you in a hospital!" Jay said loudly.

"No she's not. If I can't have her, noone does." Joe said pissed.

We all looked at Joe who was pointing a gun at me. Jay got infront of me.

"No." He declared.

Joe snorted. "I will shoot you Jay."

In the next second, Joe was on the ground, passed out. Next to him was his mom, holding her purse.

"Noone is shooting noone." She declared.

We nodded and the guys came out. "They're all passed out. We called an ambulance cause I heard loudly that Liz needs to be at a hospital." Jonoah said.

I nodded in agreement and heard the sirens coming. We made out way to the front of the house and saw the ambulance stop. The nurses came out and told only one person can come. I dragged Jay with me and we were off to the hospital.

As fast as we can, we finally got there and I was shoved into a wheelchair. They took me to a room, made me change into a hospital gown and put an IV in me. I cringed. They sat me on the bed and checked how dilated I was.

"You are not there yet. You need to be 10 centimeters and you're at 2. 8 more to go." Doctor said.

I nodded. The guys came and tried to keep me calm. I was freaking out and Jay calmed me down. I sat on the bed and talked to the guys. The contractions have been hitting me more and more.

"Did yall even call my mom?" I asked.

"Shit. I forgot about them! I'll call them right now." Jason said.

"Don't tell them what happened!" I told Jason.

He knew what I ment and he nodded. He called my mom and he teld us that they're on their way. I sighed and talked some more. When they finally came, mom looked happy that I was finally going to have the twins. This better be worth it.


"Liz! Give another push! The head is almost out!" The doctor said.

I was in pain. I was squeezing Jay's hand to death while Jason was about to faint, my aunt was holding my other hand and mom was filming this.

"It's okay babe. You're doing really good!" Jay said happy.

I glared at him. "It better be okay!"

I breathed in deeply and pushed harder. All I heard was a baby cry out and I cried.

"It's a boy! Another push Liz! Your other baby is about to come out." Doc said fast.

I pushed again and again. Another cry came out and collapsed against the bed.

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