chapter 15

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I was so freaked out. My arm was freakin sore and wrapped up. Jay's dad, David got the bullet out of my arm and then wrapped it up. It stung as hell but Jay was there for me and I was thankful for it. Now, I'm on Jay's bed really tired. I couldn't fall asleep no matter what. I was looking through my Iphone with my good arm and saw that Chris was calling. I answered.

"Hello." I asked tiredly.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"At Jay's." I said.

"Jay's? It's a school night. You can't be at your boyfriends on a school night." Chris said irritated.

I sighed. "I know. I know but things happened an hour ago so I had to stay tonight." I said truthfully.

"What happened?" She asked full of worry.

Siblings these days. 

"It's midnight Chris. I'll talk to you later. I'm really tired. Goodnight. Bye." I said hanging up.

I really was tired but my eyes wouldn't shut. It was frustrating me like hell. I probably won't even fall asleep. I heard the door open and Jay entered. He had scratches all over his face from fighting Joe and his stupid friends. And he even has a black eye. Poor boy. If I never tripped over then we probably made it out alive and not get even more hurt. I even tried fighting when one of then got to me. I screamed, kicked, hit, and slapped but it had no affect on the damn guy.

Jay layed down next to me and I snuggled more into him. He wrapped his arm around me carefully and sighed.

"You know. We haven't had our first date together yet." Jay said out of no where.

"I know." I said in a whisper.

"Do you want to when your arm heals?" He asked.

I smiled up at him. "I'd love too." 

He smiled and bent down to kiss me. Our lips brushed and the sparks never died down. I will never get tired of him and his kisses. I love him to death to even get tired of him. He pulled away and I pouted. He chuckled and I grinned.

"When's your birthday?" I asked out of no where.

I never knew when it's his birthday. Weird right? It's been like what? A couple of months and I don't know when it's his birthday but he knows when it's my birthday. Weird right? It's funny how I almost forgot my birthday until one of the girls reminded me and had a late notice to have a birthday party. Pretty epic that it was a freakin big ass party. 

"It's actually next week." Jay said.

Next week? That was fast! I need to get him something! Something nice. Yeah! Something nice! What should I get him? Hmmmmm,.........

"You're thinking too hard. You should rest your brain and get some sleep. You look pretty tired." Jay said chuckling.

I pouted. "That's what I've been trying to do! I can't even fall asleep. I tried forcing myself but I failed miserably." I mumbled in defeat.

Jay chuckled. He brought me closer to him and he started caressing my back soothingly. I felt really relaxed. My eyes started drooping and my brain was starting to shut down on me. This is not fair! I can't fall asleep but Jay knows how to put me to sleep. That's not fair. Stupid fingers of his.... Right when I was about to fall asleep, I mumbled something to him.

"I hate you..." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"I hate you too." Jay chuckled and I entered blackness.....


"Liz! What happened to you!?" Brittany shrieked.

I flinched at her loudness. How am I going to tell her? I'm not going to tell her I got shot. She's going to be attached to me.

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