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Leaning forward I caught Cat's lips in mine before her dad walks in. The kiss was slow but not demanding. Pulling away I rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. I felt her run her hands through my hair relaxing me. I had no idea how she was being strong and not worried about this right now. She gave a small giggle making me open my eyes. She shook her head a little but kept the smile on her face.

"I'm the one who is going into surgery, yet, you look ready to pass out." She started to giggle again making me smile.

"I can't help it." I was worried about her. What if she didn't-

I shook the thought from my head and kissed her lips one more time then taking a seat next to the bed. "I can't help it, baby, I hope everything goes smoothly."

She gave a small nod and started to play with my fingers. "I know but it is better not to worry, I will be okay and everything will be for the better." She whispered looking up at me and held my eyes.

Sighing I gave a nod and placed my head on the bed where I felt her hand once again run through my hair. The door opened but I made no move to get up. I knew it was her dad to tell us that it was time, as much as I was worried about her going into surgery I knew it was for the better.

"Alright kids, it's time." Blaze said placing a hand on my shoulder giving it a light squeeze. "You ready baby girl?" I picked my head up and moved out the way so he could give her a hug and a kiss good luck. "Love you." He said once he stood upright.

"Love you too daddy." She smiled up at him then looked to me. "Bo promise that you will go hang out with the boy and have fun while I'm in surgery."

I wanted to protest but she shot me a glare that said not to argue with her. Sighing I gave a nod making her smile. She looked to the nurses as they came to take her to the surgery room. I gave her once last kiss before she was taking away. A slap on the back snapped me out my thoughts, looking to Blaze he gave me a thoughtful look.

"She will pull through, she is a strong girl." He looked at the door she was taking into. "You go ahead and get going, I will call you as soon as she is out of surgery."

"Do you think she will figure it out if I stayed?" I questioned looking to Blaze who held an amused expression.

"Son, she is too smart for her own good. You get going before she beats you half to death when she wakes up." He gave a chuckle as he took his leave.

Sighing I knew I should go this is what she wanted so I was going to do just that. Who knows maybe the time will fly by and before we knew it she would be out and in recovery. With that, I walked outside and hopped on my bike and speeding down the road, to the one place I knew that would bring me a sense of mind right now.


Sitting in the shop I was working on my bike. I have been working on this thing for a while but I yet to get it working. It was taking longer than I thought to get all the parts that I needed. I was in no rush anyways. As I was cranking the wrench a ball smacked me on the back of the head.

"What the fuck man." I hissed looking at the boys. "Can't you see I'm working here?"

"Yeah, we can see you working here. But you're not supposed to. It's bro night." Detrick said giving me a duh look.

Bro's night is when we all get-together and just chill since we all have girlfriends, they made it a point that we should hang out once every week. I was down for it because they are my best friends. But today my head was on my girl I was worried about her. They don't know what it is like to be this worried because their girls are healthy. But I would not change the fact on how things happened, but I hate that she is sick. Sighing out I rubbed my eyebrow because that thought made me sound like an ass.

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