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"Maybe we shouldn't do this," I said as I pulled Bo into me. "We can just say he is a close friend of mine."

Bo has dragged both Dallas and me to the compound to talk to my dad. He thinks that it is a good idea to tell my dad now rather than later. I don't think so. My dad was going to lose his shit, he would probably go kill Dallas's dad. Now that would be bad, very bad after all, Dallas was only sixteen he still needs his dad.

"Babe, you know deep down that this is the right thing to do." He replied pushing stray hairs out of my face. "Your dad is a good man, he needs to know."

He just had to play the guilt card on me didn't he, "That's not fair." I whispered hiding my face in his chest.

"Maybe she's right." Dallas started. "They are bikers, I've heard stories." He rubbed the nape of his neck looking at me. It made me feel good that he was trusting me even after all this time.

"The stories are bullshit, you want the truth then come to one of us." All heads snapped to Titus. He was leaning on the side of the car watching us closely.

I had no idea how long he has been standing there or how much had heard. Looking up at him it was clear that he had heard everything. His face gave it away. He looked from me to Dallas and stared him down as if he was going to pull his gun out and kill him.

"You're Flex's son." It was a statement, not a question. Dallas gave him a funny look probably wondering how he knew that. Hell, I was even wondering how he knew. Dallas was going to answer him but he cut him off. "Don't lie you look just him, it's disgusting." Titus spat glaring at him,

"Titus!" I gasped glaring at him. "He is my brother and you will not talk to him in such away!"

Titus pushed off the car and stared me down. "He's your what?" His look was one to fear but I didn't back down I held my ground. "I wouldn't believe the shit that comes out his mouth."

"He is my brother, my mom was pregnant with him when she left dad!" I yelled. "That is why she left, she knew that dad would take notice that Dallas was not his," I yelled pushing shit chest as tears started to run down my cheeks, Bo had to hold me back because I was going to keep hitting him. "Dallas is not a bad person," I whispered out turning around in Bo's arms hiding my face.

Titus was quite for a few minutes then cursed under his breath. He pulled his phone out and called someone, I was able to hear him talking. "We got a problem." Looking over my shoulder he nodded his head a bit. "No, it needs to be dealt with now."

They talked for a few minutes if I had to guess it was my dad or Power. Most likely it was both. By the time they were done talking my head was starting to hurt and I was getting irritated by the minutes, it pissed me off to no end that they didn't trust me on this. Why was it that everything had to go bad just as it was going well?

"Let's go, we are to wait for your dad and Power in the meeting room." I gave Titus an ugly look that just made him chuckle. I was about to walk away from him when he grabbed my arm pulling me into him. "You boys go ahead I want to have a word with Spitfire here." I struggled in his grip but had no luck getting out.

He held me until I just gave up and returned the hug. I sighed into his shoulder and waited for him to start talking. "You're going to break me if you don't let you." His chest rumbled but he let me go. "I'm still mad at you," I said crossing my arms over my chest glaring up at him.

"I know, but you still love me." He smiled messing up my hair. "But on another note, my dad just got to town. I want you to be careful okay? I want you around Cam or Bo at all times." He paused and shook his head. "No, you know what, around any of my brothers, they know the deal with him and shit."

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