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"No, no fucking way." I hissed as I set my heated gaze on Detox. "You are not going to take my daughter turn her into a killer. She is too kind-hearted for that life."

Just like always his emotions never show and he gave nothing away. Hex may be my friend, but there was no way they were going to take my baby girl. That is where I draw the line, people can tell me shit, beat the shit out of me and threaten my life. But I draw the line when it comes to my little girl.

They can rot in hell.

"She has the gift, something I haven't seen in over twenty years." He stated. "Not only can she turn her emotions off, she can shut down her brain."

It surprised me when I found Catalina in the state she was in the other day, never in my life did I think she can be so emotionless. It was more like an empty shell. Shaking my head once more, because either way he was never going to get my daughter. No way in hell. I just got her back into my life and even though I didn't get her in the way I wanted she was her. I can hug her anytime I wanted, I can take her shopping and buy her loads of crap, I can make her feel embarrassed in front of her friends, and I can fix bikes with her.

That was a father's dream.

Well for me that is.

"No, you leave her alone. No more talking to her about this shit, I'm not stupid I know you've told her some shit already. If I hear you talking to her about this again I'll fuck you up." With that, I left the room. As soon as I turned the corner I almost ran into Catalina, her eyes were glossy telling me that she had heard what we were talking about.

"What is he talking about daddy?" She whispered.

"Yeah, tell her Blaze," Detox said from behind me. "Tell her how you won't let grow into her full potential." My head snapped to him and I can feel my hand started to twitch I wanted to kill him so bad right now. "You know as well as I do if word gets out on how she can do then bad people will be after her."

"Daddy." My head snapped back to her, it broke my heart to see tears running down her cheeks.

It pissed me off that he was doing this to me, that son of a bitch knew she was standing here the whole time. But he was right people might come for her. Shaking my head some more. "I said no and that is finally!" I snapped out and then grabbed her hand.

She followed me out back where I sat her down on a bench. I can always lie to her about this, this was not a life I wanted her. She should get out of here, go to college, and start a family with Bo. I shuddered at the thought when I walked in on them, I wanted to beat his ass. I wanted her to have a drama free life.

"Dad, what is going on?" She whispered as I paced back and forth.

"What do you want in life baby girl? What are your dreams, hopes?" I blurted out bending down in front of her. Her eyes danced around my face looking for something.

She shook her head a little bit. "I don't know go to school and get a degree in art and then become an art teacher. I also want to become a foster parent and maybe even adopt them." My heart filled up with pride hearing her talk about this.

She still looked scared but her eyes were brighter as she talked. This was something she really wanted to do, her cheeks heated up a little bit and she looked down. "Maybe be married to Bo." I chuckled at her, there was not doubt that these kids were going to get married. He loved her just as much as she loved him.

"Let's just say that Detox is in the security business, he wanted you to join his organization. I tried to tell him that you wouldn't like that life." She nodded her head. "I don't want you to feel like you have to listen to him because you don't."

"Dad, he already told me that they were assassins. And what did he mean gift?" I stared at her in shock. Wasn't she freaked out by this? She asked looking at the compounded as Power walked out. "Please don't lie to me, daddy."

I shook my head because I didn't even fully understand. "I don't know baby, but if you really want to you can ask Detox. The life he is living is one I do not want for you baby girl."

"I know daddy, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed someone" I shook my head while giving a sigh.

I rubbed my hands down my face standing up just as Power reached us. "I can't understand why this is happening or what it means baby. But If you really want to know then you have my permission to go talk to him, but remember, whatever he tells you, you have the right to walk away from what he is throwing on the table."

Power gave me a nod and smiled down at Catalina. "They are waiting for you." I gave a nodded. "I'll keep princess here company." She gave a small smile but it was a sad one. I hated when she was sad.

But it killed me when I know I was the one how made her feel this way. Leaning over I pressed a kiss to the top of her head then started walking to the underground bunkers that were used as cells. It is where we get all our information we need from a person.

Tim is down there nowgetting his ass beat.


Okay, so I know that this isn't much and all, but I wanted to get something up for you guys! I hope this chapter is okay. I'm going to explain what the 'gift' means hopefully in the next chapter and I think I have said it before, but I'll say it again, this story is coming to an end, I just don't know how I'm going to get there! Anyways till next time!



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