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As soon as she left the room Blaze got everything he wanted to know out of Dallas. Dallas did a good job holding it together under the pressure of her dad and mine. I was starting to think that his dad is a rogue assassin, but I guess only time would tell. By the time Catalina came back into the room the worst part was over. It shocked me when her dad said to call Hex, he was a Ranger and you only call them if you need to.

Something was going to go down.

Even though my dad and Blaze went to school with Hex, I never learned his real name and only met him about two times and each time it was very intimidating. My dad said it was better if we didn't know him and I didn't blame him.

"What kind of guy is Hex?" Cat whispered as we were laying down on the sofa in the game room. Her dad said it was best for us not to be in the room.

"Hex is a guy you don't want to mess with," I replied softly as I ran my hand through her hair. "Him and his whole family."

Even though I couldn't see her face I knew she was frowning. She was looking over at Dallas who has passed out an hour again. Cam and Sammy had joined us as soon as we left the meeting room. We filled them in and only Cam was shocked, Sammy already knew about Dallas, she was just happy to meet him.

"Does my dad trust him?"

"Trust who?"


I thought about it for a few minutes. "Yeah he does, Hex, your dad, and my dad go way back. They trust him with their life."

She lifted her head and looked at me for a few minutes. We didn't say anything as we just stared into each other's eyes. I had always loved looking into her eye and my heart skyrocketed, they have life in them and they were bright. It made me know that she was happy, she has been through so much and now it was behind her. I was glad that I was a big part of this. Looking at her right now I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. A smile broke out on my face at the making her raise her eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" She came a little higher and pressed her lips to mine. I responded as soon as her lips touched mine, just as I deepened the kiss she broke free and ran to the door giggling as she went.

When she got to the door she bit her lip and the sight made me suck in air. The way she was leaning on the door frame made me hard, this was a whole new side of her. It was more play pull, more flirty. And it was so damn sexy just to look at, she has gained the weight she lost during chemo and from when she didn't want to eat. Her curves were just perfect.

"If you want it come and get it." I groan at the sound of her voice. My eyes never left her as she started to walk out the doorway. She wiggled her butt making me jump off the sofa. She let out a play squeal and took off running.

I had to admit she was fast she was already running up the stairs. At a moment like this, I was glad no one was around, I didn't want to be explaining what we are about to do. Getting at the top of the stairs I wrapped my arms around her waist and threw her over my shoulder. I smacked her ass making her smack mine. "You're an animal!" She giggled out as I set her down in my room.

I pressed her to my door and took her lips in mine. "You like it when I'm an animal," I whispered in her ear making a shiver run through her body. As I started to kiss down her neck she arched into me.

This girl was going to be the death of me one day, but I was going to die a happy man. Taking her lips once again and groan left me when someone knocked on the door. "What?" I snapped making her giggle quietly.

"Your dad want's you and Catalina downstairs." Rage's deep voice came through the door. My eyebrows came together hearing his voice. He was the sergeant-at-arms for the natural chapter of the Hell Raisers. They only come together when something big is going to go down. Not that my dad tells me what happens but I'm smart enough to know.

"Alright, we will be right down." I sighed dipping my head in her neck. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest.

"Later." She whispered and kissed my lips before heading out the door with me right behind her. Looking down I groan maybe I should have take a cold shower first? I was going to have to hide until it goes down. When we got to the room I stood behind her and pulled her close.

She looked up at me and I shrugged. "I'm still excited." Her eyes went wide and then started to laugh but stopped when her dad shot her a look.



"How much do you think he knows about you and Catalina?" Hex asked looking at me directly. "Because if he knows then he could be using his son as a pawn in all this."

"What do you mean as a pawn? Like using his own son to get to Catalina?" Power asked looking at Gore the Hell Raisers natural president. While I was asked Catalina to call Hex, Power called Gore to inform him of the problem, Flex was not to be taken lightly and they were our good friends. If he was in town he has something planned.

"Catalina said that her mom left because she was pregnant with Dallas." I gave a nod at Hex's statement. "How old is he?"

"Sixteen I believe," I replied.

"Are you sure Dallas is not your son? Flex was always good at convincing people." His statement got me thinking.

After a few minutes, I shook my head. "He looked like Flex, there is no way he is mine." Rage grunted and looked deep in thought.

"So let me get this straight." He said sitting forward. "Your ex-old lady cheated on you with Flex and then took your kid and left?" I gave a nod and he narrowed his eyes. "How much shit did she tell him about the club. Let's bring her in and question her."

"I killed her." Titus blurted out. "She was trying to drug Catalina, I shoved the needle in her eye and then slit her throat." I couldn't help but chuckle at his statement.

The bitch got what was coming to her.

"What about the boy?" Rage asked next.

"No, no harm is to come to the children." Power said stern glaring at Rage.

"How about I talk to the kids?" Demonic suggested looking to Hex. "They have to know more than what then are letting off."

"Catalina doesn't know anything, she is new to all this," I said looking down at the beer in front of me. "She came to me on a wing to get away from Tim, her step-dad." Anger filled me at the thought of him. He was still down in the cells we have.

"Who's Tim?" Cult voiced. "Someone we should look out for?"

"We have him down in the cells, he tried to come after Catalina about three weeks ago. Now his brother Jim is here looking for him, which is why the kids are here at the compound." Power said shaking his head. "You are welcome to go talk to him see what he knows."

Hex looked to Vile and gave a single nod, that man was nothing but darkness. His eyes are bottomless pits and his looks can kill. He doesn't care who you are or what you do. If you're a name that lands on his desk or someone who hurts his family then you're fucked. He got up and left the room followed by Cult.

"Rage, go called the kids down so Demonic can talk to them," Gore said and Rage wasted no time.

I was worried about putting my little girl in the way of harm. Flex was a crazy guy who needs to be taken care of now rather than later. Even if I have to be the one to put the bullet in his head. 


I know this is up late! I had a lot on my plate and didn't get to sit down to write much. And on top of that I think I am coming down with something. -_- just my luck lol anyways hope you enjoy and I'm sad to say that the book is going to become to an end soon. I'm not sure how soon but soon...anyways till next time.



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