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[NOTE FROM CHACTER: my birthday was a few days ago im 15, and lance birthday was 2 months ago and hes 16 and its December 20].After yesterday I felt like a new person me and Jake made up and I'm with Lance my new boyfriend,I guess. It was 11:36pm at night and lance texted me.

Lance-- are u up?

Me--yea,what's wrong?

Lance--i want you to go somewhere with me.

Me-- okay,where?

Lance--Meet me out side at 12:00 tonight.

Me--Tonight?,are you sure this is a good Idea.

Lance--Yes,I promise see you soon.

I was excited and scared for where Lance was taking me.
I got out of my bed and put on my black jacket,my light blue jeans, and my black uggs,white gloves,and had my hair in a high pony (I wear this a lot lol).
I snuck out my window when my mom was sleep.I seen lance withs his parents car near his house I got with him and we drove off then he pulled up at this big beautiful Christmas tree. It had white,red,pink,green,blue, lights going from the bottom to the top and it was a gorgeus white angel on the very top I never seen something so beautiful.

"Its beautiful right?". Lance said.

"Its gorgeous, I-I never seen something so bright".

Then Lance got on his knee,I didn't think it was,I didn't want to know it was then he said, with no hesitation, clamly said...

"Lisa,will you marry me?"

I was so shocked my entire body was shocked I kept repeating in my head, did he just say did he just say then I said...

"Yes,of course I wil!".

I was shocked yet stactic I felt so excited. I knew I loved lance so I loved that he ask me. He put the ring on my finger it was a 24 karat pink-gold diamond ring. I looked at lance and kissed him I did get some tears down my face.

"But what bout school,were so young." I said in confusion.

"I'll take care of that,have you every fell in love with someone so much you felt like your heart going to explode?"

"Of course with you".

"Me too,I couldnt wait any much longer I knew I wanted to be able with you forever".

Me and lance hugged each other again and kissed. We drove back to my house.

"Come by house tomorrow okay?"


"I love you,wife".

"I love you husband".

We started to makeou,then we stopped and chuckled then I got out and I snuck back in to my house and heard lance drive off and then I flopped on my bed and stared at my ring and just thought I got engaged. Then Jake texted me.

Jake--so when's the wedding?


Jake--im not stupid I know lance purposed to you".

Me--how do you know?

Jake--me and Nikki were walking around the tree and I seen lance on his knee and the black box

Me--okay so I'm purposed to lance.

Jake--i thought you were still love with me?.

Me--in love with you,Jake were done your with Nikki so just stop with this lie!.

Jake--nikki told me.

Me--bye, Jake.


I can't believe Nikki of course she was stuck up but she actually did that I will need to ask her and get even.

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