This is what I do, I block out those who love me and care about me. I don't wish to do it really, its just something that happens naturally within me. Here let me explain, I tend to grow immense feelings towards those who tend to make me happy or allow me to express myself without making me feel clingy or worthless, now as time goes by I begin to block them out do to the result of many reoccurring events. Okay so basically every time I begin to care for someone whether it be in a friendship or relationship even family sense they tend to leave, they either get up and leave or they pass away. Since this has a habit of taking place in my life I learned to detach myself from those i care about way before they have a chance to leave. The only problem with this reaction i have it that I end up hurting more than I would ever expect, you could say that to a certain point this thing i do back fires and causes a wave of gray to surround me for the longest of time until I learn to live with the pain and am able to act as if I'm the happiest i can be.
I want to be free.
my thoughts at 12 a.m.
RandomPeople wonder what goes on in others minds... well here's what runs through my mind during the time where bodies sleep and brains race for solutions to the problems they create or may face each day... yet sometimes most of these thoughts stay a secr...