Entry 57

231 14 2

October 28

Today I was the one to pass Vinni a note. I said to meet at the library at 4:30, so we could talk about Halloween. He replied that he'd be there "on time this time ^_^", and I sent him back a note saying, "and not beat up." He quickly stuck his tongue out at me. Then the bell rang, and we made our separate ways to the next class.

I don't know if it was my imagination, but it felt like I was hassled less in the hallways than I usually am. Not by Henry and his people, of course. They were same as usual. But my other classmates didn't seem as into it.

Vinni was about ten minutes late meeting me and Liota at the library.

"Sorry!" He burst out, panting, again.

"It's okay." I stood up. "You're not really late." For some reason, I felt embarrassed.

"'s almost worse cuz if I'da left a few minutes earlier or been faster, I'da been on time," he let out in a huff, leaning against the table.

"Please breath," I fretted, worried he might collapse. He simply waved me off. "Could you at least sit down?" He fell into the chair next to me with a thump and folded his arms being his head.

"So why'd ya call this emergency meetin', Cap'n Arawn?"

I shot him a confused look. "What...?"

"Eh, nevermind." He waved a hand idly in the air. "Just tell me what's up."

"Umm, Halloween? All we decided was that we were going together. And, I mean, it's okay if you don't want to do that, too..." A shadow passed over Vinni's expression, so I ducked my head and played with the hem of my shirt.

"Arawn?" I jerked my head up to look at Vinni, for once wishing my hair were longer so I could hide behind it. But the friendly smile he directed at me held no hint of shadow or malice. "I want you to come with me." His eyes glowed with that terrifying intensity before he looked away and dropped back into his seat. "Planwise, basic'ly any time after seven'd work. Nat'rally we should go ta Salem Street. The rich folk are super into it."

"Y-yeah, okay. Sounds good." Vinni raised an eyebrow at my excessive agreement. I scowled at him. "Right, then we can meet here at eight, change, and walk to Salem Street together!" I snapped.

"Perfect!" He grinned.

"Really?" I frowned, perplexed.

"Arawn, Arawn," Vinni sighed. "Ya gotta have more confidence in yerself."

"Most of the time it's unfounded." I looked away.

I heard a groan, and when I glanced back, Vinni was rubbing his face. "You just don't get it!" He then sprung up out of the chair, towering over me with an angry expression. I leaned back to get away from him, but he just leaned forward. "You," he tapped a finger right in the center of my chest, "are a natural-born strategizer! Even your contingency plans have contingency plans! You can look at what's in front of you and what you need to do and figure out the best way to do it, and then five other things to try if that doesn't work!" He threw his arm out, gesturing widely.

I stared at him with wide eyes, not sure how to react. He put his hands on my shoulders then, eyes ablaze. "You could do anything, Arawn! It's just that no one gives you the chance to. Until now, okay? From now on," he stood back up and crossed his arms, smirking, "you're in charge, Captain Arawn."

I wasn't really sure what just happened. Vinni grinned at me expectantly. I licked my lips.

"Right, then..." I glanced around, spotting Liota, "I abdicate to Captain Liota." When he heard his name, Liota turned and looked at us.

Vinni's brows furrowed before he looked at me again. "Ya can't do that!" He pouted.

I grinned at him. "I thought you said I was in charge?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Sneaky. But ya just abdicated what kept me from doin' THIS!" He lunged at me and a bolt of panic hit me, but it quickly abated when I realized all he was doing was dancing his fingers up and down my side.

"What are you doing?" I asked as Liota came over. Vinni paused and gave me an indignant frown.

"Ya ain't ticklish?"

"Um, guess not. I haven't been tickled in ages... Vinni?" He had fallen back into his chair with his head in his hands and was sighing loudly.

"Nah, 'm fine. Jus'... ya got bags fer Halloween?"

I nod. "Yeah."


"Then why did you ask?"

He waved a hand in the air.

The rest of the evening, until the library closed, was spent chatting with Vinni. Liota stuck around, absorbed in his book (though I'm not sure, because a couple times when I checked in on him he was on the same page, and he's usually a fast reader.)

Liota and I were pretty hungry when we got home, so I scrounged together some food. There wasn't much good stuff left. I'll have to find some money to buy more. But not tonight. Tonight I'm tired.

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