Entry 79

192 10 7

December 22

I had my things packed and ready to go before 7 o'clock this morning. I called Corcon to confirm yesterday. I forgot to ask how long I could stay, but I packed a week's worth of clothes, which is more than I left. I left a note in my room saying I was spending Christmas with a friend, because that woman wouldn't notice one day, but she might notice at some point, and I didn't want her to think I was missing or had run away.

Since I had less stuff this time, just a backpack and a duffle bag, I decided to walk. We were meeting at the library again, for the same reason as last time. If Corcon saw the state of the house, he might try to do something about it, and that would get a whole mess started. If the state saw Seren as unfit for mothering, they'd take me away too, and I'd have to leave Vinni, Lis, the librarians, and everything familiar behind. If Seren for some reason wasn't seen as unfit, Liota would have to come back, and he'd be in constant danger. And either way, even if he was our grampa, what Corcon had done was legally considered kidnapping.

I was in sort of a nervous good mood as I waited for my grampa at the library. I chatted a bit with the librarians and picked up a few new books. Then finally, he arrived. He wore a big smile on his face and greeted me with a hug. I loaded my stuff in the back seat, and then got in with it.

"Is it alright with you if we stop at a drive-through to get something to eat?" Corcon asked as he got in.

"Okay," I replied. "I haven't eaten either."

We drove though a fast food place, Corcon ordering a salad and water, me ordering chicken strips, fries, and a root beer. Corcon ate up his salad quickly before getting us back on the road. We made light, polite conversation at first, then lulled into silence as we each watched the road.

It was my first time really traveling since my dad left, and it was my first time on the freeway since Henry's brother last took us to the pool. I liked feeling the road humming by under me. I kept asking Grampa Corcon how fast we were going, and the fastest we got up to was over 80! Over 80 miles in an hour, imagine!

I got a kind of sleepy, peaceful feeling from riding in the car that made me wanna close my eyes, but I kept them open for a long while, watching the scenery flow by. I imagined myself running that fast beside the car, bouncing across the telephone poles, jumping from tree to tree, surfing across the tops of other cars. I just couldn't get over the movement of it, and I wanted to go even faster.

"Maybe I can be a race-car driver!" I said suddenly. Corcon chuckled.

"You have to learn how to drive first."

"When can I do that?"

"You can get your permit when you're fourteen—that's when you can learn to drive, with an adult in the car—and you can get your license, for driving alone, when you're fifteen."

"That's years from now!" I groaned. Corcon smiled.

"My parents had to wait until they were sixteen to get their licenses. It was only because of the Videogame Apocalypse that Minnesota lowered the age requirement."

"Were you alive back then?"

"Oh no." He chuckled. "I was born a few months after it ended."

We lapsed back into silence after that. I finally gave in to sleep and dozed off for the last three hours of the trip. I woke up every once in a while, but it was peaceful, so I didn't think too much.

We arrived at Corcon's house at 4 in the afternoon. It was huge! It was a warm, brown two-story house with bright picture windows on both floors. An evergreen shrub, covered in snow, grew in front of the lower window. And all along the edge of the house, Christmas lights had been strung up! I realized that I could actually see a tree set up on the lower level, covered with lights and ornaments. I imagined me and Liota opening presents under that tree and my heart swelled in a way that almost hurt.

As soon as Grampa Corcon pulled into the garage, I sprang from the car. My stuff could wait. My brother couldn't.

"Where is he?" I demand, bouncing on my feet in anticipation.

"His room, most likely. Upstairs, to the left."

I bolted. I zoomed into the house, trying for quiet. I swiftly checked the rooms I passed, but there was no Liota. The stairs were pretty easy to find, and I popped up them. One door had a fancy plaque hanging on it that said "Liota", but each letter was a difference scientific image. I smiled at that as my heart thumped with nerves.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard a quiet "Come in" on the other side, so I pushed the door open slowly.

Liota was sprawled on the floor with his legs kicking in the air and an astronomy book laid out in front of him. I stood in the doorway, barely daring to breath as, finally, he looked up at me.

His eyes widened and body stilled as he stared at me. He sat up and squeezed his eyes shut, probably not thinking I was real. That shook me out of my freeze, so I walked over and crouched in front of him. He opened his eyes again, wide and vulnerable, and I smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Liota."

Then his arms were latched around my neck, his face buried in my shoulder. I wrapped my own arms around him and lifted him up. Something hot and wet was seeping into my shirt, and I realized with surprise that Liota was crying. I slowly swayed my body back and forth, rocking us both into contentment.

It was kind of weird that Liota was crying then, when the only other time he'd cried was during the incident that got him here. But I guess I kind of got it, too. He'd been staying strong all this time, and now he could finally let go.

I held onto Liota for a long time. Grampa Corcon knew better than to interrupt us, though he was probably worrying about how we were getting on.

Finally, Liota spoke. "Why are you here?"

"It's Christmas." He looked up at me and I grinned. He offered me a small smile back, which only made me grin wider. "I'm gonna come whenever I can, Liota. We're apart now, but we won't be forever."

"We aren't apart now."

I laughed. "C'mon, let's get food. I'm starving." I set Liota down and checked the clock on the wall. It was after 5.

I let Liota drag me down to the kitchen where Corcon was sitting at the table, working on a sudoku puzzle. He glanced up at us with a wide smile

"Have you two reacquainted yourselves?" He asked. Liota and I nodded. We chatted a bit about my school, and what we wanted to do for Christmas. I tried to ask Liota about his school, but he deflected. Finally, supper was ready. It was something called tater tot hot-dish that Liota apparently really likes. After I tasted it, I could see why.

After supper, Grampa Corcon went to watch the news while Liota showed me around. The house actually technically had three levels, as it had a basement too. It was really big for just one person. It made me wonder what happened to Corcon's wife and the rest of the family and all that, but I thought it would be sad, so I didn't ask.

The rest of the night, Liota and I mostly just read stuff and enjoyed each other's company. I slept in the guest bedroom next to Liota's.

A/N: I might make a few changes to this later, or may want to, so, again, if you see any continuity issues, ANYWHERE in my writing, let me know. 

Also, I apologize in advance if the quality seems down. I am open to constructive criticism, anything to improve my writing or the telling of this story.

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