Author's Note Sept 5

127 9 7

I told myself I wouldn't make another one of these, but y'know what, screw it.

So, I would love to give you readers a nice excuse as to the lack of updates, but really, I just didn't feel like writing it. That's not to say I'm abandoning Arawn and the gang—there is more to this story, I'm just having trouble getting to it. 

I guess what I did was resolve most of the driving conflict, which is why I'm having trouble figuring out where to go. So I either need to bring in some new conflict or figure out where I dropped the stuff I had. So, no promises, but I'll take suggestions/reminders from the crowd. 

I should also mention that I've waited long enough to address this problem that I'm now back at college... we'll see if that's a motivating factor, or if it gets in the way.

Anyway, thanks so much to the new supporters that I've gained even though this story was on a standstill, and to all my old ones as well. I wouldn't blame you if you dropped this for my lack of updates. It also isn't a very polished story, and for that I apologize.

I can't set a date for when the next entry will be up, as it would be very sad if I didn't make it. I can't even say soon. But I can say that there WILL be another entry, and that it will be up as soon as I can. I hope.



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