Entry 78

194 10 3

December 19

Today I went shopping at the little strip mall. I found this book called, What if?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, and I got it as a Christmas present for Liota. I can't understand half the things it's talking about, but I have a feeling Liota will get it, and if he doesn't yet, he'll appreciate it later. I might've saved it for a future year, except it was on sale for 70% off. So it was about $6 compared to the usual $20.

I wasn't sure what to get Corcon, but I decided to get him a "Grampa" mug. Even if he doesn't drink coffee, he can still use it to hold pencils or something.

For Vinni I got a couple of bags of gummy candy that were on sale to make way for all the Christmas stuff. It isn't much, but I figure I'll make him a card too.

As I was leaving the last store with my bags of goodies, I saw something that made me immediately duck back inside. Henry was coming toward the store! I didn't want to deal with him, not when it'd been less than a week since I blew up at him and punched him in the face, so I looked for a place to hide. I decided to go for the women's pants rack (one of those circular metal ones), because the clothes were longer, so they'd hide me better. For once, it was a good thing that I'm small.

I hid inside the little circle of clothes and watched Henry whenever he was in view. I was so paranoid that he would see me as soon as I left it, or that his friends were waiting somewhere outside the store, that I didn't want to leave until well after he had. The whole time I sat in rack waiting for him to leave, my heart was thudding inside my ribs and my entire body was shivering.

I watched him wander around the store, taking his sweet time, seeming to examine every item without purpose. I felt a burst of irritation at that, along with the urge to just walk out normally regardless of the possible consequences, but I stopped myself. After that thought crossed my mind, I got the weird impression that he knew I was there and was waiting for me to do exactly that.

Then, finally, he walked toward me. I tensed, ready to bolt out the other side. But he walked right past me, carrying a small box in his hand, up to the checkout counter. I held still, a hand over my mouth in case I breathed too loudly. Then he bought the box and left, brushing past the clothing rack and making some of the hangers clack together. I watched him leave the store and head down the hallway to the outer exit.

I waited another five minutes, then emerged. The clerk glanced at me, and the corner of her mouth twitched up as she shook her head. I smiled thankfully, though I don't know if she saw it, and exited the store, heading to the mall's back exit.

I guess the fact that I got away safely was a little Christmas present to me.

When I got home, I decided to call Vinni and tell him I'm spending Christmas with my grampa after all.



"Arawn! Ya sound different over the phone."

"You too. Um, I called my grampa. He's picking me up at noon Tuesday."


There was a lull, so I took the opportunity to ask, "Can we get together sometime before then?" It sounded strangely formal asking over the phone.

I heard Vinni sigh, then: "Sorry, we're flyin' out for Florida tomorrow morning an' I still gotta pack. Apparently she tol' me 'bout it a week ago when I wasn't payin' attention."


"But we're comin' back the 27th, so mebbe I can see ya then?"

"Okay." I tried to mask my disappointment.

Vinni sighed again. "I'm really sorry, Arawn. I was hopin' ta see ya too. Guess I'll just hafta give ya yer present after Christmas."

I perked up. "You got me a present?"

Vinni scoffed. "Uh, yeah."

"What is it?"

"If I toldja, it wouldn't be a surprise."

I pestered him a bit more about the present, but he wouldn't even give me a hint. When we finally hung up, I realized we'd been on the phone for over an hour.

A/N: Thanks for over 4000 views! 

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