Entry 54

227 13 5

October 25

Today is the day I'm going to ask our mom if we can go trick-or-treating, providing she's in a good enough mood.

She was in the kitchen, humming to herself. She had Sunday off for once, and I guess she was happy about it. Her dark head bobbed to the tune, her wavy hair bouncing in its high ponytail. I got my hair from her, which is why I preferred to keep it pretty short—the curl was annoying. Of course, as we didn't have much extra money lying around, it was often a few months between haircuts.

I listened to the tune she was humming, then started humming along with her as I came up behind her. It worked doubly well, as it kept her from getting surprised by me and it set me up as a friend. She sent me a lopsided grin.

"'ey Mom," I started up once I was beside her. She kept humming. "Can I go trick-or-treating this Saturday?"

"Nooooo..." She pouted at me. "I work."

"That's okay. I have a friend that can take me."

"What 'bout cost-tomb?" She went to put her hand on the counter and missed. She frowned and tried again, missing again. I reached out, grabbed her hand, and guided it to the counter. She smiled gratefully at me.

"I've already got it. Everything's ready, all you have to do is say yes." She looked at me and I gave her my best puppy eyes, throwing in an exaggerated pout. She giggled.

"'Kay, but save me some k... ca... some sweet?"

"Of course." I kissed her cheek. "Thanks."

I told Liota she'd said yes before retreating to my room. Despite my victory, I felt like crying. Even though she was in a good mood, it hurt seeing her so far gone.

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