A New Interest with New Age

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Today she had done it. She had completed a once impossible task, taking those damn bells from Kakashi Sensei. Naruto and Sakura after being apart for over two years were still able to work in a team. Even though they were missing an important member of Team 7. Sasuka had been missing for close to three years and in that time Sakura took action to gain immense strength. With this new power she intended to take back her comrade with the remainder of Team 7.

After ordering another round of food for herself she looked up from her plate to find her Sensei reading his new book in front of her.

"Yo," Kakashi said without even looking up from his book.

"Hello, Sensei. Is something wrong? Do you need me?" Sakura asked looking around concerned on what had brought him here. Anything interrupting him from reading his favorite book series had to be serious. Secretly Sakura was thrilled to spend more time alone with Kakashi because frankly she believed him to be an genius among shinobi.

"Nothing. I just thought I would accompany you to dinner since you turned down Naruto for his ramen offer," He closed his book making a firm clap, "You don't mind, do you?"

Sakura hoped that her hair and her cheeks were not the same color. Her Sensei wanted to spend dinner with her. ALONE?! She closed her eyes and took a quick deep breath ready for the challenge. Dinner with Kakashi, a night she secretly hoped would always come. Even if it was only a student-sensei outing.

"Of course not," she nodded smiling, "I would love to have dinner with you."

"Great!" he spoke squinting his eyes so that she knew underneath his mask there was a smile. Kakashi's food arrived and he picked back up his book obviously eliminating any hopes that Sakura had of seeing her sensei unmasked.

With a quick frown she soon returned to a gentle smile that usually adored her face. She refocused on the food not noticing Kakashi staring at her across the table. He had not been in the village much in the past three years due to the constant supply of missions from the Hokage. That woman was a literal slave driver. Tonight would be the first night in about a year where he could sleep a whole night without rushing off to a mission either in the middle of the night or so early in the morning that he was already on the road by the time the sun was up. This was the first time he had seen Sakura face to face in about a year. He had only seen her passing by going somewhere or leaving the Hokage's office. Not face to face. One thing was very clear. Sakurea had grown from his brightest student into a very powerful Shinobi.

"Your chakra control has improved significantly Sakura. It appears Tsundea has been working you just as hard as the rest of us." Kakashi said from behind his book only making eye contact for a second before returning back to his book.

"You have no idea," Sakura muttered with a dark look in her eyes, "There were so many nights where my parents called worried sick because I had passed out of chakra exhaustion." She appearance soon changed from something dark into a smiling girl, "But all my training was well worth it. Especially since I got the best thing from it. Taking that bell from you and being able to be on a team with you again." She looked down slightly blushing quickly realizing what she said. Looking back up putting up a shaking hand in her defense, "Of course with Naruto too. It's like Team 7 almost all here again."

Kakashi looked up again, "I agree the idea of us being a team one more makes me very happy."

Sakura's heart stopped for a second and the food in her mouth went down her throat not chewed making her choke a little. Coughing like crazy to try and get the food to go the rest of the way down. Kakashi had said he was happy to be on a team with her. Only her. Forget Naruto only her.

She felt a firm slap on her back with another hand on her shoulder. The food finally passed through her throat and she gasped for air resting her head of the table. With her breathing regulating she finally looked up to see who had helped her only to find Kakashi rubbing circles on her back still holding her shoulder in a crouching position next to her. He looked her straight in the eye.

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