Making up for Lost Time

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When Sakura woke up she was laying in a bed covered with thick blankets. She was facing the windows in the room that showed the sun setting. She felt an arm around her that rested perfectly in the curve of her waist. Turning her head away from the beating sun she looked at the man with silver hair sticking up in every direction and his eyes resting shut. His mask shirt combo was on and from feeling his legs against hers he was only in his boxers. Looking down at herself she noticed she was not wearing the clothes from before. She was wearing a robe probably from the hotel they were staying at. She looked at where it peaked at the top to notice she did not have any blood on her and she had a lot less dirt on her skin as well. 

Looking at Kakashi again she realized he must have cleaned her up and changed her into a fresh robe. He was so considerate and definitely the nicest man she knew. She turned toward him in the bed snuggling closer to him so that her head was now under his chin. She could feel tears start to come out of the corners of her eyes starting to soak into the front of his shirt. This could not be real she thought to herself. After all that she had been through it just seemed too simple to be back in Kakashi's arms. To be away from the awful people that had taken her away from him to laying with him in a bed seemed more like a fantasy than reality. 

Though here he was sleeping right next to her. She could feel his even breathing against her hair and she smiled. This was real. He was always going to be there for her, but now that she was back it was her mission to never leave his side again. She was going to dedicate her life to stay by his side and being his equal until their lives ended. The idea of constantly being by his side through all the rough patches and the things the world threw at them was something she couldn't wait to do. 

Feeling his arms tighten around her body she looked up to see his face looked distressed. His eyebrows were drawn and she could feel his muscles start to contract as if preparing for battle. Looking at his hands they were in a tight fist that made his veins start to pop up on his arm. Sakura sat up in the bed where Kakashi now flipped so he was laying on his back. His legs kept twitching and his face only got more distressed. She could see his distressed face soon soften a little, but still held intensity as she saw tears come from the corners of his eyes. 

"Sakura...," he whined out of his slumber.

His was still in a deep sleep, but Sakura would not leave him like this. She put her hands on either side of Kakashi's head as she now crouched over his body. She leaned down to get a little closer to him still feeling his muscles contracting and releasing. She decided it was time for this to end.

"Kakashi wake up. I'm right here darling." She said this in the sweetest voice that made Kakashi wake up sitting straight up. 

Seeing her sitting in front of him let the tension that possessed his body only moments before drain out of his body. He just grabbed Sakura's body wrapping his arms around her firmly burying his head into her pink hair that still held the smell of her sweat. Though he had tried to clean her up as best as he could it was not the same as her going to take a bath. The main thing is that he got that man's blood off of her. He could feel her arms tightening around him and her pressing into him. Kakashi loosened his grip on her pulling them apart so he could see her face. Looking at her pink hair it was flipped to the side sticking up in every direction. It looked a little bit like his hair if it were shorter. Kakashi giggled a little looking at her smiling up at him. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up. You were having a bad dream I didn't want it to continue." Sakura said looking away. 

"It's alright. I'm glad you woke me up from it. I would much rather spend my time awake with you than in that dream." He said pulling her down on top of him as he laid back down on the bed. He pulled the covers over the two as well so they snuggled into the bed together. Kakashi stroked her pink hair as Sakura listened to the steady beat of his heart. 

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