Where does the Time go?

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It had been about a month. The only thing keeping Sakura sane was counting the days. Day in day out the routine never changed. She would be kicked awake by that asshole with the gills who Itachi called Kisame. He never stopped with that wake up call. Itachi every morning would tell him to stop that Sakura needed to be kept in a better condition. Kisame every now and then would argue that what at better condition is varied from person to person then he would kick her again. 

How the day would usually continue is by Sakura being pushed in front of the group with her hands tied behind her back with some metal that even her crazy strength could not break. Though she was not that strong a month into this. As a prisoner she was fed bi-daily and the muscle that once covered her ribs were now gone and all that existed was the skin stretched over them. With all of the exercise the group did day after day and lack of food it was no wonder she looked terrible. Though she could only guess since she hadn't seen her reflection in so long. At the night they stopped and Sakura would often sleep next to Itachi who never slept. 

Some nights she would wake up with night terrors, but honestly who wouldn't with this situation. This is the only time she was glad Itachi never slept. She would wake up screaming and Itachi would come to her side picking her up into his arms rocking her gently until her cries quieted into the soft breathing that signaled she was asleep. Itachi would let her rest there like that for a while kissing into her pink hair whispering how sorry he was. Only he could hear this, but it made him feel like he could continue another day. 

This was her life now. She was now on day thirty-two in her count. She thought of only one person every day though almost every second when she wasn't thinking of ways to escape. This was the only thing that kept her walking every day. Kept her from going down on the ground and saying that this was enough. This is because she knew he was coming for her. There was no doubt that the love of her life would save her because right now she would admit she needed some help. She knew that he probably never slept like Itachi and he wouldn't until she was in his arms again. There was no doubt in her mind that he was not that far behind the group just getting ready to take on these two. Kakashi would always save her if she needed it. She would always save him. This was just a light bump in the road to their life together. 

Today they were walking into the sunset and the Kisame decided it was time for them to stop. Sakura stopped as she was told and looked at where they were. She saw that they were near the edge of a cliff that held a river running along the bottom of it. A crazy idea hit her head. They had walked less than usual today and she felt like she had some extra energy. Thinking to herself she could jump and get her hands in front of her so she could swim. Then hopefully she had enough chakra to run on top of the water to get to the banks on the side of the river. 

The men had started walking over to the tree area right off the edge of the cliff while Sakura stood there weighing her options. It seemed like a good possibility. This would not be her first escape attempt and she knew what would happen if she failed. Kisame often spend the night with Sakura beating her until she was unconscious.

Looking at the edge of the cliff it was worth it. She jumped over the chains bringing her hands in front of her. She looked over her shoulder enough to see them start to turn towards her before she jumped off the side of the cliff. She could hear their feet start to push against the dirt before the wind hit her ears informing her she falling down the cliff. She pushed herself through the air to make sure she would land into the water. Seeing the water get closer and closer she braced herself for the impact, but not before seeing two shadows following her in her decline. The water hit her before she could think of a plan she started swimming through the water trying to go along with the current to minimize her effort. 

She could feel two other objects hit the water closer to her than she would like. She decided to swim to the top of the water to run atop it. She swam to the surface her her head popping up with her mouth letting out a gasp trying to get air into her lungs as fast as possible. She tried to get on top of the water by get her chakra to mold she way she needed it to. She pushed herself up on the water and was now standing on top of the water. Smiling to herself for the first time in a month she started to run as fast as she could.

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