Arriving at the Springs

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Finally the team reached the town, after a full day of walking and circling Dai and Kakashi both Sakura and Naruto were exhausted. All day crouching in trees and overhearing Dai interrogate Kakashi for details about Sakura and her love life. If it wasn't Dai asking Sakura's favorite color for the fifth time to Kakashi it was is she seeing anyone for the five hundredth.

Over and over again Sakura had to watch Kakashi tense up and get severely annoyed with the boy which probably made her job a little easier. The fact that she did not have to lie to the boy's face repeatedly. It was not as if Kakashi would just turn around and say 'Yea she is dating me' because they already agreed upon keeping it a secret. Then again from the looks she had seen on his face today he was close to letting out the secret probably ten times.

Now finally he would get a break from the constant Dai question train. He would be able to relax and maybe distance himself from Dai. Sakura hoped so anyway. The town though was gorgeous.

It was centered around a huge hot springs resort where they would be staying the night. Since they were escorting a Feudal lord's cousin he had insisted on stopping by on the way to the main estate. It was already outlined in the mission and honestly after a day like this the team did not mind a relaxing hot spring.

Walking through the town it was set up like a festival. There were shops lining the main streets in town, but what stood out more were all of the booths set up in the middle of the street. There were different games to play and an assortment of food that all of the towns' people seemed to be sampling.

Looking around in wonder Sakura's gaze met Kakashi's and she smiled with a light blush on her cheek. She loved this kind of setting, festivals were one of her favorite things. Seeing Sakura look like a little kid in a candy shop only made Kakashi smile in return feeling her happiness affect him. It did not last that way long though.

"Hey Sakura we could come to the festival tonight together if you want? You could be my private guard?" Dai said with a little smile.

It wasn't even like he was a bad guy just simply not her type and she was taken. Sakura turned around to look at him and the blush that once painted her cheeks was gone. She looked up at Dai with the most boring face she could make looking absolutely unamused by even the idea of dating him.

"No thank you." She stated before facing forward once again. "We should probably go check into the hot springs resort and stay there for the night to make sure Dai is safe. Shall we?"

Without even waiting for an answer though she continued to walk her way through the town trying to hold her excitement as she passed all of the shops rushing to the resort. The rest of the team picked up the pace trying to catch up the pink headed girl as she lead them though the crowd.

Entering the resort it was obvious that this was the nicest place Sakura and Naruto had ever stayed. Just in the lobby mostly everything was made of glass and white was the main theme for the décor. Overall the place held a feeling of high class that did not feel natural for the team. Dai walked in with them and went straight to front desk with Kakashi trailing behind him unfazed by the luxury of the resort. They checked the team in while Naruto and Sakura tried to sit down on the white couched without getting them dirty. It had been a long day and they would admit it they were a tad grimy.

Dai and Kakashi came back over to the awkwardly sitting team mates who both had their legs crossed, barely sitting on the edge of the couches trying not to get them dirty in anyway. Dai came over and set right next to Sakura which resulted in her standing next to Kakashi a few seconds after that. Dai started frowning as soon as she moved from her awkward sitting position.

"I got the room details. It's a four bedroom suite with a balcony overseeing the town. Though I say we just drop off our stuff and go into the hot springs. They are gender separate though so Sakura you are going to be by yourself. Don't miss us too much." Dai said with a smirk trying to tease the girl.

"I'll try not to." She said bluntly.

"We are on the second floor room 15. Let's go." Kakashi perked up.

Naruto hopped up off the couch and started to take off to the stairs.

By the time the rest of them had reached the room Naruto was sitting waiting for the rest of them. Dai opened the door letting the team in. The room from the roof to the floor looked stunning. The floors were all hardwood and sparkling. In the middle of the communal living area sat the dinner table already full of food for the team. There were three different sitting areas and on the walls of the room two rooms on the right side of the room and two rooms on the left.

"The rooms on the right will be mine and Dai's. The rooms on the left will be for Sakura and Naruto." Kakashi stated putting to rest any of Dai's objections about wanting to be closer to Sakura.

"I don't care let's just get going to the springs. I'm ready to relax." Naruto said throwing his stuff in his room without even looking at the rooms and its amenities.

"Second that," Sakura said throwing her stuff in the room leaving with Naruto following behind her, "See you boys later."

Sakura headed down to the springs ditching Naruto when the genders became separate to enter the springs. She got undressed and headed to the spring area in her white towel. Everything here was really white and clean. It was really not Sakura's taste. She liked clean things as much as the next person, but the idea of it being as plain as the color white bothered her. Almost like a canvas begging for color. She liked colors to be in everything. I mean look at her hair. She always had a lot of color. Taking off her towel she entered the hot water instantly feeling relaxed.

It had been a long day for her. For one she had not even gotten a second alone with Kakashi all day. She had to spend the day with Naruto who was pretty funny up there in the trees making fun of Dai. So she had fun with him, but honestly all she wanted was to walk next to Kakashi. This mission was a challenge for her. Wanting to constantly be by his side and forgetting the mission at hand was a problem. She understood why ninja couples were never sent on missions together. They would forget the mission at hand and just protect each other. That's also a good reason why they should keep this relationship a secret. So they could still be together. She guessed she would just have to suffer through.

Maybe they could get some alone time tonight. Though it seemed very unlikely because who knew what Dai was going to be like. Also someone had to stay up and still stay on guard. But dammit even if it killed her she was going to get to spend some time with him today. Even if it is for just five seconds where they just hold hands and look into each other with a kiss goodnight. That's not too much to ask. Tonight she would try to sneak into his room. She needed him, but right now she was going to relax and enjoy the hot water taking her stress away. Thinking about the things she had done with her sensei. 

Hey guys I will be updating one more time today!  Thank you for reading!

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