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Kakashi slowly came to about a day later. He was laying flat on his back and could feel the stiff cushion under his body. When he shifted his hips he heard a creaking supporting his inference. He was in a hospital bed. He tried to recall how he had gotten there. Every time he tried to think about why moving his any part of his body felt like a million pounds his head started to hurt. He stopped trying to adjust himself and just laid there aching lightly. He focused on thinking of what had happened working through the pounding in his head. 

"To think I got stuck with such a shitty roommate." Kakashi's eyes flew open to see Sakura sitting in a bed across the room smiling at him. 

He jumped up out of bed defying every signal his body was sending him. His body was screaming for him to get back in the bed, but he remembered why he felt this way. He had run for about two days straight in order to get home to Sakura. Sakura and their children. He ran to get home to his family that was in danger. Though seeing her sit there smiling and teasing him like normal Sakura almost pushed him to tears. He almost threw his body on top of her pushing her down in the bed with Kakashi's body wrapping around hers. He laced his hands through her pink hair holding onto it like it was the only thing holding him to this world. Kakashi had her body pressed tightly against his. Sakura ran her hands up and down his back trying to sooth the upset man. Their faces leaned against each others and they stayed there silently just taking in each other. Being apart for even a couple of days had taken its toll. Especially since it had landed both of them in the hospital. Kakashi finally pushed himself off of her so he just plopped down on the bed next to her already exhausted. Hearing her giggle she rolled on her side as well facing him. 

"What happened to you? You look like your ready to go back to sleep already." Sakura pushed some of his silver hair away from his face while she asked him concern lacing through her words. Kakashi grabbed her hand that was in his hair quickly shocking her making she jump a little. He squeezed her hand. 

"Me?" He asked her harshly, "What about you?! What happened?! I was so worried. I still am worried. Are you and the babies alright? Why are you in the hospital?!" He started to get hysterical the more questions he asked. His breathing picked up and his grip on her hand only tightened. Sakura rested her head against his closing her eyes. 

"We are fine. The babies are fine now. I collapsed from fatigue and the babies were in distress for about a day since I put such a strain on my body. I'm fine now and the babies are also doing a lot better. Tsunade put me on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. She said its for my health and theirs, but she says as long as I do this I'll have no other complications. I'm sorry I worried you so much." She paused for a second trying to gather her barrings. Tears started to come down her face, "I was just trying to be useful and I put our children's life's in danger." Her voice started to break at the end of her sentence. She hated that she had pushed herself so far that it had effect their kids.   

Seeing her start to cry obviously upset by her want still feel important made Kakashi's features soften. She still wanted to move forward with everyone else in her life. He understood that Sakura's demons were of being left behind. Of constantly watching her comrades walk in front of her and out of her grasp. Kakashi released her hand stoking her head lightly. He let cries escape her mouth and allowing her get off what she was holding back. The guilt she felt in her attempt to walk by his side even if she couldn't fight beside him. Slowly she ceased crying and nuzzled into Kakashi's neck finding comfort. After Kakashi felt her tears dry up he finally spoke.

"I'm never leaving you behind. You don't need to feel like you need to catch up. You've always been right here by my side. I'm just happy that you and the babies are alright. I'm proud of you Sakura and honestly being the mother of our children is one major success that I will never be able to surpass you at." He squeezed her closer to his body, "I love you, Sakura. I'm so happy you guys are okay." 

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