The Hard Worker

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It had been around five months since Sakura had found out she was pregnant. The village knew and her parents. It had been a very long conversation on her eighteenth birthday. She had went over there with Kakashi with the intent of telling them after the party, but when they arrived at the door her parents already referred to them as a couple. After that Sakura just told them she was pregnant. Kakashi was punched a couple of times by her father, but it overall ended a happy day. 

Another person probably more excited than anyone was Naruto. He came over to visit the day after her birthday to tell her happy birthday and they had decided to tell him. His immediate reaction was excitement. He screamed at them about how he was going to be an uncle. Naruto clung to Sakura all day grabbing at her slightly protruding stomach until the end of the day. That's when Kakashi finally had enough and  kicked him out. Immediately after that Kakashi reclaimed his spot on her stomach. That's when they first felt the baby kick. They both looked at each other and smiled like crazy. 

Ever since that day around a month ago their baby had not stopped kicking. Sakura mainly worked at the hospital and the Hokage's office trying to be helpful until she could resume going on missions. The only days she ever took off where the days Kakashi had off. They would either spend the day around the house reading and talking, walking around town, and every now and then they would go out for picnics on Hokage Rock. Overall they were very happy together the only argument that they had recently was on the name. 

Since Sakura was six months pregnant they had decided that it was time to start thinking about names. The first thing that Kakashi wanted to do was name their child after his favorite book series make-out paradise. Sakura knowing that she did not want her children to be made fun of for being named after a porn book decided to turn that idea down really fast. He protested for a couple days saying a couple of the characters' names which were nice, but then Sakura asked what the characters were like. Kakashi instantly started to blush and stutter about what the characters were like. After a week or so he stopped even suggesting. 

Sakura's idea for naming the baby was something she was thought Kakashi would love. Her idea was to name them after his fallen comrades. She told him that they would name the baby Rin if it was a girl and Obito if it was a boy. Thinking she had come up with the best idea ever she had looked over at him to see him frowning deeply. 'I don't want my kid to be an idiot like Obito' was his response. He overall did not have an objection to the name Rin, but kept saying Obito was going to make their kid seem dumber. Since he never technically said no she considered them as real possibilities for their child. 

Sakura also had daily check ups with the Hokage everyday. Everything was going fine and now six months later on her lunch break from the paperwork in the Hokage's office she had Tsunade placing her hands over her stomach feeling around to make sure everything was fine with the baby. She looked concentrated on Sakura's stomach as Sakura ate away happily at her lunch. Tsunade with drew her hands sighing. 

"Well do you want the good news?" Tsunade said picking some of the food out of Sakura's lunch making her frown. 

"Don't steal a pregnant woman's food. I'm feeding two you know?!" She said crossing her arms 

"Well do you want the good news or not?" Tsunade said this stealing more of Sakura's food.

"Yes please." She said giving Tsunade some of her lunch on a separate plate. 

"Well you aren't eating just for two. You're eating for three." Tsunade turned to her student expecting a freak out with the announcement that she was having twins, but her pupil kept eating unaffected.

"I know, but I just don't know how to tell Kakashi," She stopped eating looking over at her Master, "How do I just bring it up? 'Oh you know how you signed up for one kid well surprise we're getting two in one round.' Yea I don't see that going well." 

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