The Hokage's Orders

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Kakashi collapsed from his fight with Deidara. They had gotten Gaara back and Naruto was safe for the most part. They had met up with the rest of the groups giving the Kazakage to Granny Chiyo. The little old woman was crouching over the Kazekage trying to heal him. Chiyo had looked up at all of group bringing them the grave news that they had all known, accept for Naruto. Gaara was dead. The Akatsuki had taken another one of their  comrades for good this time. Kakashi tried to comfort Naruto grabbing onto his arm. He could feel the boy's body shake under his grasp. They had all tried so hard. They had all sacrificed so much. It just wasn't enough to save him in time. Their main enemy had been time. Naruto fell to his knees in front of his friend. The friend that had felt the same suffering that Naruto had all his life. Tears flowing down Naruto's face Kakashi lowered his head. Chiyo said aloud to the group.

"Don't worry it will be alright." 

They all looked over at the old woman seeing her start to heal the Kazekage. It was impossible though. There was not a possible way for this to work. He was dead. This was something not even the best medical ninjas could heal. 

"No. Don't use the jutsu! It's not worth it!" Shizune called out grabbing the old woman's shoulder. The old woman remained calm not even looking up at the woman.

"I've lived a long life filled with many terrible choices, but today I'm making a good one. I will save our Kazekage. I did this to him. Now I'll fix it." With this Shizune fell to her knees next to the old woman watching her give her life away for the sake of the village. 

Kakashi using his Sharingan looked at the process seeing the woman's life force slowly fading as Gaara's started to come back. Though as the jutsu continued Kakashi saw that the lights started to fade in Gaara and Chiyo. She was just too exhausted from her previous battle. Kakashi felt Naruto move forward. He pulled on Naruto's arm holding him still. This was a warning to not interfere. He could see Naruto's fists clench shut. The boy looked down at Kakashi with an intense gaze pleading to be released to go help his friend. Kakashi nodded lightly letting the boy go. 

Sometimes it was difficult, but he needed to trust the boy's intuition sometimes. He wasn't the young idiot anymore. From those three years of training Sakura was not his only student to mature and advance. Naruto was making Kakashi prouder everyday as well. Seeing him walk over to Chiyo he dropped to his knees next to his fallen comrade. Kakashi frowned thinking of the times he saw his friends dead before him. Bowing his head down he wished more than anything that this would be the last time Naruto would have to feel this way. The feeling of losing basically a part of oneself was what happened when your comrades died before you. This feeling Kakashi was all to familiar with.

"Let me help." Was all Naruto said before placing his hands over the old woman's.

The chakra intensified and the life force in Gaara slowly got stronger and stronger until it resembled that of an actual person. Naruto started to look teary eyed again. Just for today Naruto saved one of his closest comrades, but from the look of the Chiyo's chakra he would still lose someone today. Kakashi clenched his fist. This was the way of a ninja never without sacrifice. Gaara finally sat up from laying down on the ground. His eyes met Naruto's and Naruto broke out into a longing smile. He finally had the one back. The one who understood his pain and suffering had returned to him. They had found each other again in this messed up world that they lived in. Gaara looking at him in wonder soon looked around him to see the people from his village that had gathered slowly ready to battle for their leader. 

The village ninja started cheering seeing their leader alive and relatively well. They all surrounded him. Some crying, others resting on each other in relief, and some asking him constant questions about how he was feeling. The Kazekage seemed baffled that so many people were here concerned for his well being. Naruto then grasped his shoulder smiling one of his normal innocent smile. 

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