The Talk

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The sun had set about an hour ago and Sakura had already finished cleaning up dinner with Naruto. It was a simple dinner of fish they had caught from a river nearby and rice that they had brought. The day was very uneventful. They had a full day of walking and were going to leave at dawn tomorrow and most likely arrive at the client's house after two hours or so of walking. Sakura really did not care about tomorrow though. She was more concerned about what would happen after Naruto went to sleep. 

Sakura sighed looking up from the cooking tools she had just finished cleaning. Naruto had already finished cleaning his utensils and was setting up his bed on the forest floor. She saw Kakashi out of the corner of her eye sitting on a tree branch reading his book for who knows how many times. She felt her heart beat pick up. Shit its almost time she thought to herself. She had been thinking the entire walk about what she was gonna say. But what if this talk was really just Kakashi telling her to stop. That he wasn't interested. Telling her lies like he loves someone else to spare her feelings. Sakura could not take this. 

She packed away her tools and went over to set up her bed. Stretching up her arms letting out a light moan as she stretched out her achy muscles. Walking all day was not as fun as it sounded and the stress of tonight's impending talk was getting to her. Reaching for her bag she pulled out two sheets one she laid down on the ground and the second laid out on top of it. Standing back up she looked satisfied with her work. Kakashi came down from his perch and set up his bed in a similar fashion next to Sakura's. Naruto looked over at his two comrades. 

"Whose going to take watch first?" Naruto asked yawning

"I will for the first part." Kakashi volunteered.

"I will after him. You can sleep tonight and get tomorrow night. Okay Naruto?" Sakura asked as Naruto started taking off his jacket. 

"I'm good with that. Goodnight guys." He crawled into bed taking off his headband and putting it delicately in his bag. He rolled over while Sakura also took off her headband putting it in her bag as well. Taking off her shoes she jumped into her bed to wait for Naruto to fall asleep. Kakashi tended to the fire they used for dinner then hopped off into a tree somewhere. Fuck it's almost time. She thought to herself. This is it. I'm gonna get rejected. She rolled onto her back when she heard it. Naruto was lightly snoring. It didn't even take ten minute! She sat up letting her blankets fall to her hips. She laced her hands through her hair tugging at it. Bringing her knees into her chest she just sat there. What if he doesn't love me? She thought to herself. The idea brought tears to her eyes. No, there had to be something here. She wasn't just some bitch to him, she can't be. 

"Sakura, you shouldn't get yourself so worked up." Kakashi whispered into her ear. His arm were brought around her waist hugging her from behind. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck kissing it lightly. He squeezed her snugly against his body. Like two puzzle pieces fitting together for the first time. Kakashi never wanted to see Sakura that upset. He didn't know why Sakura was so upset, but he knew he would never let her get to this point ever again. He could feel her breathing regulate again showing she had calmed down from this freak out. 

"Do you want to talk?" he ask so lightly that Naruto did not even stir in his sleep. 

Sakura simply nodded and started to get up as Kakashi released her from his grip. He grabbed her hand and led her into the forest away from the fire and their comrade. They continued to walk for about five minutes until Kakashi stopped turning to her. He tried to look her in the eye, but she was staring at her feet obviously still upset. Kakashi could not have this especially if they were supposed to talk. He pulled down his mask to his chin, grabbed Sakura's chin forcing it up, and pushed his lips on top of hers trying to drag her out of this slump. She instantly reacted eyes flying wide open then closing. She took a step closer to him putting her hands up his shirt to feel the toned chest beneath it. 

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