A New Home

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After Tsunade left Kakashi helped Sakura up off the ground making sure that she was alright after falling to her knees. He walked her over to the bed where they decided it would be best if she laid down for a little while. In doing this though Kakashi kept his hand on her stomach the entire time. Never moving it. She tried to get some sleep, but how could she when Kakashi just kept his hand there staring at her stomach. She pretended to sleep for an hour or two when they finally had a knock on the door. Thank God she thought to herself. Now Sakura could stop the fake sleeping act.

She sat up in bed letting Kakashi retract his hand so they still held the teacher-student relationship look. Sakura looked him over as he got up from the chair beside the bed and went to sit on the window ledge taking out his book. Sakura saw him reach position and cleared her throat.

"Come in." She said only to have the flood of all of her comrades come through the slightly damaged door. It looked like they were having a mini party there were so many people in the room. Each of her friends had also brought her something telling her how much they missed her. Ino especially missed the girl. She actually got a little teary eyed after giving her flowers and a hug. While they were rivals in every aspect of their life, they were also close childhood friends. Naruto was of course in the group of people and had to bring up yesterday of her throwing up. The entire room went silent and looks of worried plastered their faces as they thought there could still be something wrong with her.

She stood there like a deer in headlights unsure of what to do, but Kakashi came to her rescue. He told the group that it was some bad food that they had gotten while they were on the road home. Supporting his story he also told the group that he had thrown up this morning the remnants of the food. Everyone in the room cringed as Sakura laughed to ease the tension. What would I do without him she thought to herself smiling at him before facing everyone. Kakashi then excused himself saying that he had errands to run then jumped out the window leaving Sakura in the care of the gang. She looked longingly out the window until the people in the room demanded her attention.

The people stayed most of the day in the room trying to catch Sakura up on the events that had happened since she was gone and the town gossip which was mainly Ino's job. Overall they did not leave until the sun set. When they left Ino and Naruto both hugged her goodbye and the rest all waved as they exited saying they would see her around town. Naruto left saying he could not wait until they could go on missions again giving her a huge signature smile before walking out the door. Little did they know of the events that would be taking place over the next few days and the fact that Sakura would not being going on missions for a while longer.

Sakura got out of bed going into the bathroom to take a quick shower then changing into a black top with white bottoms that the hospital provided. She looked herself in the mirror now that she was alone for the first time in she can't remember and it hit her. She was pregnant. She had a living being inside of her that was growing and making her puke. This was too surreal. Also she never really had a plan for her future accept to become a shinobi on Naruto and Sasuke's level, but she guessed that she had wanted a family. Also being a mother at such a young age was also concerning, but it didn't bother her.

She was certain about one thing though. She was still going to be a shinobi. Never in her life did she see herself settling down just to be a mom. Of course she was still going to her duties to her house and child, but her career was also going to hold very important to her. She nodded her head walking out of the bathroom and laying down in the bed. She closed her eyes thinking of what tomorrow was going to bring. Telling her parents she was moving out was something she was not looking forward to.


The next morning Sakura woke up to feel an arm wrapped around her waist. She knew who it was immediately and snuggled into his arms under the covers. She heard the man next to her stir a little as arm tightened the embrace pulling her closer to him. She felt his grip loosen a little enough for her to turn around and face him. She was met with the onyx colored eyes of Kakashi just peaking open to see her face.

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